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“You look like you've seen a ghost.”

“Please don't say that.”

“Seriously, hyung, you look like you've se-”

“I have!!”

Donghae blinked at Leeteuk. “Huh?”

“When we went to bed. I turned off the lights, and then I just saw it, at the door … then I looked again and it was gone.”

“Was it in the room?” Squeaked Ryeowook, and Leeteuk shrugged. “Ask anyone if they felt anything - I probably just passed out afterwards, I don't know.”

None of the members had felt anything whilst sleeping.

“Any dreams?”

“Well I dreamt about the whole dorm being trashed and manager hyung in a spacesuit coming with a bin truck to clear it up but -”

“... Kyuhyun.”

The maknae smiled. “Yes hyung?”

Leeteuk facepalmed.

Their manager came whilst they were eating breakfast. He knocked on the door, and before anyone could answer, he opened it and walked in. The members blinked.

The man looked at them and sighed. “Seriously. Stop this prank.”

“-!” Leeteuk slapped a hand over Kyuhyun’s mouth, sending an explosion. He stared at the manager. “How can you think we're still pranking? This was never a prank!”

“I've been your manager for ages and I know what pranks you guys do -”

“We would never get someone in hospital!” Yelled Hangeng.

The manager sighed. “Look, okay, it was funny and I believed it for a few seconds. Now can we stop?”

“This is not a f-” This time Sungmin slapped a hand over Kyuhyun's mouth to stop him from swearing. Kyuhyun glared daggers.

There was a frosty silence for several seconds, before the manager huffed. “Fine, I'll play along until you stop.”

“We -” Leeteuk forcefully silenced himself before an outburst, and then asked, “How's Heechul?”

“He's woken up, that was why I came.”

There was a scramble for the car and the manager just watched on, puzzled. Because ghosts don't exist. Perhaps it was a stalker or a sasaeng? Better double the security then …

“Why won't he believe us?” Whispered Donghae, pouting. Eunhyuk sighed. “I don't know, Fishy … but then I wouldn't, either.”

“Do you think he can't see the ghost?”

“Don't ghosts only let people see them if they want them to?”

Donghae shrugged. “In the books, maybe … wait, what happened in Mystery 6? We could use that …”

Eunhyuk frowned. “Well … there was a diary of the girl who was haunted and got killed by her father even though it was actually her mother …”

“Who lived in the flat before us??”

“I don't know …” Eunhyuk blinked. “We'll research it when we get home. Look, we're here now.”

“And don't call me Fishy!”

“Okay, Fishy.”

“Then you're a monkey,” pouted Donghae, climbing out of the car.

If anyone recognized them, they didn't react. Manager stayed outside by the car and the other members tried to locate where the right room was.

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