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“What happened?”

Leeteuk shook his head slightly, a bewildered look plastered on his face. “I still don't get it … What happened?”

“I told you there was a ghost!” Cried Donghae. “I saw it, we all saw it …”

“That thing that flew out after Teukie hyung pushed us …” Kyuhyun nodded, massaging his temples. “Ow, confusing …”

“Is Heechul hyung okay?” Asked Sungmin, glancing towards the door. Kangin sighed. “The doctors are really confused, apparently.”

“What? Why?”

“Because he's seemed to be in a nightmare and kept screaming and thrashing around but when they sedated him they couldn't find anything physically wrong with him.”

A heavy silence settled like a blanket over the members. Kibum broke the silence. “At least we know for sure that we're haunted?”

“I will go to pray,” concluded Siwon solemnly, and walked out of the room. After a second thought, Kibum followed.

“Guys the doctors are out!”

The members jerked awake at Kyuhyun’s voice. Leeteuk looked around and saw Siwon and Kibum still asleep next to each other in the chairs, a Bible dangling out of Siwon’s hand. Everyone else was here.

“Can we see him?” Rushed Hangeng to the first doctor who came out, and the doctor blinked politely. “You can, but only maximum of five at a time, we still don't know what's going on with his condition …”

“There was a ghost,” blurted Eunhyuk. The doctor looked politely surprised. “A ghost? Ghosts aren't real, Eunhyuk-ssi …”

“They are ! We all saw them!”

“I'm sorry, I -” the doctor was cut off as a nurse tapped him on the shoulder, and he bowed. “If you have further questions, please ask the main office.” He left.

 Ghosts aren't real , my ass!”

“Kyuhyun!” Warned Leeteuk. He glanced around. “Right, who's going in first?”

Eventually Hangeng, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, and Kangin went inside first. The rest waited somewhat anxiously. “Can you tell us what happened?” Asked Ryeowook. “I couldn't see anything …”

“Room was a mess,” mumbled Sungmin quietly. “Whole thing smashed up. And then Heechul hyung was passed out in the middle, and then I swear I saw this … this transparent white figure leaning over him, and then we all screamed as he vanished.”

“A ghost,” concluded Yesung. The rest of them nodded.

“Just our luck,” sighed Shindong. “I called manager hyung just now, he won't believe a bit of it. He still thinks we're playing a prank.”

“Prank?” Said Hangeng outrageously, coming out of the hospital ward. “ Prank ? Chullie is in hospital, we are all traumatized, two of our dorms are wrecked in a way even Kyuhyun couldn't have done … how is this a prank?”

“Beat if I knew,” muttered Leeteuk, walking inside the room with the next five.

Kyuhyun grumbled something under his breath. “This feels like Mystery 6 all over again.”

Donghae shuddered. “Oh no, don't remind me … was the one filming it and since got nightmares after watching that …”

“You were really haunted,” Eunhyuk laughed half-heartedly. He glanced back towards the ward. “It's weird.”

“Something feels off in there,” agreed Kangin. “The ghost wasn't in there too, was it?”

“Uh-oh …”

“New rule,” said Leeteuk loudly, coming out of the ward. “No member of Super Junior is allowed to go out alone unless they have at least two other able members with them.”

“What about Zhou Mi and Henli?” Asked Hangeng worriedly. “Should we tell them?”

Leeteuk paused. “They're in China … um …”

“Don't let them know yet,” Kyuhyun said. “The ghost could get them too.”

The last two people entered the room, and Ryeowook shuddered as he felt a familiar chill creeping over him. Yesung hugged him tighter and they both sat down by the bed.

“Heechul hyung wouldn't like his hair right now …” whispered Ryeowook, and Yesung smiled slightly. “Better film it when we hand him a mirror then.”

They watched the sleeping member for a while, then Yesung stood up. “Wookie, stay there.”

“What? Hyung?”

Yesung walked over to the door and pulled out a Polaroid camera. Ryeowook froze. “What?”

“Stay still …” Ryeowook blinked as there was a bright flash. Yesung pulled out the photo and put it on the table next to the bed. “It worked in Mystery 6?”

Ryeowook sighed and facepalmed. “It could work, though!”

“Let's just wait.”

Yesung tapped his fingers on Heechul’s arm, enjoying his he could silently annoy him without him waking up and murdering everyone, and examined the sleeping hyung.

“He looks normal, doesn't he?”

Ryeowook frowned. “A bit paler than usual, and he has a few bruises where something must have made that crash and fallen into him, but very normal.”

“Let's hope we won't be possessed when he wakes up - I'm joking!” He yelped as he saw Ryeowook's face. “I'm just joking!”

The maknae frowned. “Not funny, hyung.”

“Manager hyung has ordered us to go back home and leave Chullie here,” reported Shindong. The members grumbled.

“Ugh. Fine. Come on, guys …” Leeteuk glanced back at the door, and led the members to the van where the manager had parked outside. He looked angry.

“This joke has gone far enough, one of your members are in hospital, come on don't be  childish -”

“Do you think this is a joke ?” Cried Leeteuk. “I told you! It's -”

“- a ghost, blah blah blah.” The manager waved his hand. “Ghosts don't exist. Be sensible, Leeteuk's you're the leader, keep your dongsaengs in check.”

Leeteuk mumbled an apology and bowed, but they could all see the suppressed anger on his face as they climbed into the car.

“I don't want to sleep alone …”

“My room is next to the living room …”

“Our room is the one with the wall which the ghost went into, I'm not sleeping there!”

In answer, Leeteuk dragged Kangin to the rooms to help him pull the blankets and pillows into one room and pile them up next to each other. “We're sleeping together. Problem sorted. And no , Kyuhyun - go to sleep, we've spent like the whole day in hospital. Do not go to the computer.”

“Just one game?”

 No .”

Kyuhyun sulked and pulled his blanket next to Sungmin and Donghae, and crawled underneath it. Eventually the members began dropping off quickly, worn out by the sudden shock and happenings of the day. Leeteuk lay down next to Eunhyuk and Kangin, and reached out to turn off the light. Flickering once, the room was plunged into darkness.

Leeteuk stifled a gasp and turned away quickly, burying his face into the pillow.

In the flash of the light, he could see a figure standing in the doorway - the open doorway which he had definitely closed before - head bowed, but eyes boring into his, dark, shadowed, dangerous.

When he checked again, the door was closed.

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