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'Oliver...' I whisper, as we stand looking out over the square. His arms rest at my waist; and his body behind mine is a strong one; a warrior against my willow form. I had not realised just how much i missed him, how much i yearned for him when i had to banish him from my side; until he was back. Until i saw him pushed into the building, by two of Morganville's police department. It had been like getting doused in silver, it had carried a current through my entire body and it took everything for me to not throw myself into his arms and seek the refuge that i for so long had been curious about and for such a short time had revelled in. He had knelt at my feet, and declared his sorrow and in all my years i have only twice felt the pain; once with my beloved Samuel who was just to kind, and lovely for this world. And then the very time i felt the aching pain of loss...back when i just young, back when i could do nothing to stop it. 

'You think too much.' Oliver whispers, kissing my neck softly; right where my pulse would be if i were human. 

'Still so much to do.' I sigh; resting my pale hands on top of his. 

'Alas my queen, all will be well.' 

Fallon has really rocked the boat on my little creation, he took my kind and broke us. So many of my dearest have died, i just hope that they have found some form of salvation in death. A few of those I've know for many a years have now found humanity again, in breathing and aging. Dearest Michael, i would selfishly say that i am somewhat upset by the fact he was reverted, he was too my reminder of the love i lost but in truth i see in him and those he's surrounded by that he was born, not to become one of the eternal, but instead to be human; to be with the woman he loves. We lost a great few, i lost my assistant, one of my dearest near guards, and many others who i have known for a great deal of time even to one of the eternal. 

'Marilyn Chow has requested Fallon's cure...' I whisper. 

'Is she certain?' 

'She's tired of this life, she says that to risk death is worth it.'

'Some can't be saved.'

That is one thing above anything that Fallon brought, many decided to take his cure. In the past few months i have lost numerous acquaintances and saw a few brought back to breathing but now there is an option for my kind; a choice of whether or not this existence is theirs' to keep. I don't see why people would risk it, but then i have for so very long accepted what comes with my life...and what sacrifices one must make. 

'When did i ever think i could give this place up?' 

'Amelie?' Oliver's voice is an oasis of concern, which makes my lips twitch up into a smile of sorts. 

'I have multiple times debated whether or not, my hypothesis was too far fetched; when Magnus came i thought we had to run; when humans rallied i wondered if it was all too much but how could i ever have closed down the one place of sanctity in this world for us; how could i lose the child i have nurtured since birth and risked life and limb for...i was weak but this, this i cant let fail for in the world alone we are weak.' 

'You were not weak Amelie, you just chose survival; its an instinct.'

'One i do not care to act upon.' 

'You cannot let the past dictate the future, you are free now.'

'Free is only a word, have i taught you nothing Oliver? I will never be free.'


'No... guilt rots us; like cancer it takes over and spreads unless we find redemption. For so long i have been lost, i am so very far from any form of redemption.'

He is silent, one more thing i love about Oliver is the fact he knows just when to stop; when to let me wallow. 

'You know the time of Fallon will pass, we have told a great many of his torturous betrayal; humans much alike do not care for being used. His Daylighters was merely a cover for revenge; our good folk feel used, they think no higher of him than you; you who rose from above and made for a society of equality- you have stretch out the olive branch my liege now we just have to exercise patience.'

I turn in his arms to face him; we are as alike in appearance as chalk and cheese; i am willowy and small, ageless in youth; whereas Oliver was turned much later in life, old enough that grey threads his brown hair, and his eyes have a small array of creases. I envy that, i envy aging. Not much but, i feel like when one is as frozen; after time everything becomes frozen- its not as much moving forward but living in a constant present- day and night mingle, time ceases to exist and history...history becomes some of your fondest memories. You have nothing to learn and nothing to succeed except moving forward...moving constantly forward. 

I wrap my arms around Oliver's neck, resting my forehead to his chest a feat made only possible by my heeled pumps. He rests his head against the top of mine, and in the brush of sunset i feel alive; feel warmed- so very preciously warmed. 

A knock on my door, wearily brings me from my moment of peace; and i snap rather than politely invite my new assistant in. A human...slow and rather clumsy in my presence but then one cannot be claimed as leader if they are not somewhat feared...

''am...' She stutters. 'Just have a guest...'

'And whom may it be?' I ask raising an eyebrow, i know that it is not a scheduled appointment. 


'Sister.' A different voice finishes. 

The world falls off it's axis, i feel nauseous; and have a weird almost buzzing sensation in my ears. 

'Who said that?' I ask; turning to face the door. 

But my question is answered without words; standing in my doorway as beautiful and whole as the last time i set eyes on her is my true sister; my real sister...the one i thought to be dead. 

'Anastasia...' I whisper. 

And in a truly human gesture, i open my arms and like a bird flying back to its nest she throws herself at me; and i feel her sobs wet my jacket. 

It doesn't matter that i'm in a suit and she's dressed like many a human alike; we could be back in our ballgowns and corsets; my baby sister is whole. 

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