Bambi was on her way to see big time rush and she couldn't believe that she was going to be meeting them after the show!but she was kind of nervous because she had A crush on James David Maslow! Bit he didn't know it yet she was afraid that he'd laugh at her?so she kept it to herself, until she thought it was the right time to tell him. The limousine would be there at 5:00 to pick her up! And she'd never ridden in A limousine before so it'd be her first time?riding in A limousine, and then she ran upstairs to get dressed? And then her doorbell rang I'm coming she said,she opened the door and she saw the limousine driver standing there
He said are you Bambi she said yeah I am! He said I'm here to take you to the concert and she said OK let me grab my purse and my money so she grabbed them and she walked out the door with the limousine driver?he opened the door and said would you like
Anything to eat she said yeah sure he said I'll stop for some pizza!
She said thanks I hope I look Nice? The limousine driver said you look beautiful,Bambi said can you take me shopping I need some
New clothes! The limousine driver said sure and he headed for the local mall? So he opened the door and Bambi got out and went inside? And she went to the dress store and asked do you have any dresses that are in my size. The store clerk said check over there Bambi said OK. So she went into the back and she found the perfect dress!to wear for tonight so she bought it?and she got back in the limousine and she went back to the hotel where she was going to be staying and then she was going to the
Concert, and she also was going to meet big time rush after the concert. Because she had A crush on James Maslow but he didn't!
Know yet?but she was going to tell him when he picked her up, she heard A horn honking she knew it must be James Hi James Bambi said you look handsome he said you look beautiful! Bambi
Said thanks?James are you OK Bambi said he said yeah I'm fine,