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Jaiden's POV

Jaiden stared up at Nic fearfully. "I'm friends with a gang member." She whispered.
"It's not as bad as you think." Nic said hurriedly. "Please don't be scared Jaiden. Let me explain. Please."
Jaiden nodded slowly. "Okay." She whispered. She knew she probably sounded really lame, but she was in the presence of a gang member. One who had just kicked butt a moment ago and was currently holding a gun. Plus he was shirtless and she had a full view of his muscles and six pack, but that was beside the point.
Nic looked at her with his dark blue eyes pleading. "You need to understand a few things, but we need to get out of here first." He said softly. "I don't want to be here in case they come back." He held out his hand and Jaiden took it hesitantly and he pulled her up gently. He smiled at her almost nervously and intertwined their fingers. "Let's go." He murmured.
Jaiden allowed herself to be pulled quickly along side of Nic. He kept her walking steadily faster until they were nearly jogging. He still had his gun in his hand, pointed it at every sound he heard. Multiple times they met up with small groups of men who looked at Jaiden lustfully, but the moment Nic growled and pointed his gun at them, they backed off. Coincidently, of course it started raining, making Jaiden cold and uncomfortable. Nic kept glancing at her apologetically but never said anything to her unless he wanted her to move faster.
Finally, after nearly two hours, they were on the steps of Nic's house. It was dark and cold and raining. Nic pushed through the door hurriedly and pulled Jaiden out of the rain. He didn't say a word as he marched her up the stairs, which made Jaiden slightly uncomfortable. She wished he would just talk. She had never seen him so serious.
Nic led her into his room and opened his drawers, pulling out some basketball shorts and a sweatshirt. He threw them at her. "Put these on." He commanded her.
Jaiden nodded mutely and a pained look fluttered across his face. A moment later Jaiden felt herself enveloped in a hug. "I'm sorry." She heard him mutter. "But all your questions will be answered, I promise."
Jaiden warped her arms around his naked torso hesitantly. "I trust you." She murmured.
Nic squeezed her tightly and let go a half a second later. "Meet me downstairs." He told her. "I'm going to make us hot chocolate."
Jaiden smiled at him halfheartedly as he walked out of the room and shut the door. She changed into his clothes quickly and shyly took an intake of breath. His clothes smelled exactly like him. Chocolate and spring mixed with pine needles.
She glanced around nervously before moving around, examining her surroundings. She had never been in Nic's room before. They had always hung out at her house or in the living room downstairs. There was a bookshelf in the corner with picture frames setting on the top. She approached the bookshelf cautiously and touched the picture frames. It was a picture of a family of four. She recognized Nic and his father, but she had never seen the woman or the little girl before. The woman couldn't be Nic's mother. Jaiden had met his mother and she looked nothing like the woman in the picture. Plus Nic had no siblings.
"There's some other stuff you don't know about me."
Jaiden spun around guiltily and faced Nic who was leaning on the doorway. He had a sad face on as he stared at the picture in Jaiden's hand. He looked up at her, his dark blue eyes pained. "The hot chocolate is ready." He whispered as he began to exit the room.
"Nic I'm sorry." Jaiden hurriedly replaced the picture and rushed out to him. "I didn't mean to pry. "
"It's okay." Nic said softly. "I guess I need to tell someone."
They walked down the stairs in silence. Jaiden kept glancing at Nic nervously, but he had a passive face on as if he was deep in thought.
Once they were in the kitchen Nic handed her a steamy mug of the chocolate drink and he led her to the living room.
"My parents are still working." Nic said as he sat down on the huge couch. Jaiden sat down next to him, keeping her distance, but close enough to where she wasn't being obvious.
Nic reached out and gently held her hand. Jaiden forced herself to not flinch, but Nic seemed to notice. "Please don't be scared of me Jaiden." He stared straight ahead of them. "At least let me explain first."
Jaiden nodded and Nic took a deep breath.
"That woman in the picture is my mother." He began. "My real mother. The woman you have met in the past is my stepmother. The girl in the picture was my little sister Nora. Both of them are dead."
Jaiden felt her mouth open in shock and she squeezed Nic's unconsciously. "I'm sorry." She whispered.
"Don't be." Nic said grimly. "Anyway, the four of us moved here about five years ago. I was fourteen at the time. After we had been moved in for a few weeks, a man came knocking on our door saying he wanted to talk to me. He wanted me to join his gang. Apparently he had been keeping an eye on me and thought I would make a good gang member. Of course, I refused. He warned me I would regret it, but I didn't listen."
Nic paused. "The next day, my mom died in a car accident." He growled and clenched his fists. "My dad believed it, but I knew the truth."
"It wasn't even a week later when the man showed up on my doorstep again. He asked me to be in the gang again. At first I still refused, but then he mentioned my sister was a very cute little girl."
Nic closed his eyes. "I gave in." He muttered. "I worked with them. I dealt drugs, helped rob shops, learned how to fight, and launched attacks on enemy gangs. I hated every moment of it. If I didn't have to go in that day. I didn't. If I could get away without dealing the drug, I didn't. Yet somehow, the boss found me favorable and he treats me well. He takes my side in every squabble and fight. I hate him."
"I have become one of the most feared gang members in this area. Even though I never kill out of cold blood, I have power, and people respect me. I treat everyone fairly, especially since a lot of the boys are in the same position as me. Trapped and unable to get out because of the ones we love."
"What about Nora?" Jaiden asked softly.
Nic out his head in his hands and let out a dry sob. "One of the enemy gangs learned what my weakness was and attacked my house at night. They caught her sleeping and cut her throat. I fought them off and they fled, but I couldn't save her. She died before I could make it to the side of her bed."
"My dad never knew I was in a gang, and he still doesn't. I explained to him and the police what had happened. I was put in trial for murdering my sister, but eventually I was declared innocent."
Nic glanced up and Jaiden felt her heart break from his broken expression. "My dad doesn't talk about it ever. He remarried a couple years ago and he has seemed happy. My stepmom is nice and everything, but she's not my mom."
Nic put his head in his hands again. "It was a secret to every living soul for awhile. Then last year Alix found out. He was angry with me for never telling him. He thought I was being stupid and got even angrier with me when I refused to get out of the gang. I'm afraid if I try to get out, they'll go after my dad or one of my friends. Alix didn't understand and he still doesn't. Our friendship is the same in the eyes of others, but behind closed doors, we are shattered."
Nic shook his head and moaned. "I lost my best friend that day." He muttered. "Alix doesn't trust me anymore. He cares about me, but he makes sure there is always no possible way I can hurt anyone like I did to him." Nic looked up at Jaiden and smiled weakly. "Yet I still hurt you."
Jaiden sat in silence for a moment. Finally, "that idiot!" She exploded. "Who does he think he is? Spilling your secrets to other? He's acting like a five year old girl with injured feelings! How does he not understand it's not something you can just explain to everyone in the world? Ugh." Jaiden rubbed her forehead.
"I'm sorry Nic." She finally said sheepishly. "I shouldn't have allowed my feelings to be hurt when you refused to tell me. I should have realized there were reasons."
"It's okay." Nic said softly. "Let's just put this behind us and try to forget you know I'm in a gang."
Jaiden nodded. "Okay." She whispered.

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