||Part Nine||

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Jimin anxiously awaited his food at the table. He kicked his legs softly as his chair was high and he couldn't reach the floor. Jin cooed at the scene and finished up cooking.

Jimin poked the food and gasped, "It's pink! Pancakes aren't supposed to be pink! Are you a wizard?!" Jimin bombarded Jin with questions.

The latter licked his lips as all he heard was nonsense going though one ear and out the other. During this time in the questions Jimin kept asking if he new magic of some sort. Jin decided to play along and pulled out a pink fork.

"Yes! Of course! I am the cooking sorcerer!" Jin rolled his eyes. A boy his age wouldn't find his act amusing-

"Wah?! Really?!" Jimin's eyes widened and sparkled as he watched the bright neon pink fork in the elder's hand.

Jin paused and cooed once more, "I have to shield you from all the dangers of the world," he whispered to himself as Jimin kept rambling about the fork.

"Forks aren't usually pink-!"


Taehyung's cheek was scratched. A bit of blood started oozing out and he chuckled in a manner which contained no humor.

"You got some nerve," Taehyung hissed as he stepped back and crashed to the wall.

"Shouldn't I be saying that to you?" Yoongi cracked a devilish smile as he cornered the male.

Yoongi kept grinning and he planted both hands beside the other's head. They were dangerously close. Yoongi pulled his occupied hand off and held the pointed object.

Yoongi quickly took the opportunity to stick the sharp filed object into the latter's shoulder and watched the blood pouring out.

Taehyung hissed at the sudden pain and suddenly remembered Jimin. He was so helpless.

Suddenly a memory of their first encounter played in his mind. He chuckled and paused.

"Thank you Jimin," he whispered and Yoongi cocked a brow.

"What was tha-?!"

Taehyung swiftly kicked Yoongi right where it hurts most and delicately pulled the utensil out of the other's psychotic hands and lay it upon the bed.

"Point one, Taehyung!" He cheered and proceeded to call the police.


"That's a l-lot of food," Jimin commented and Jin paused and took in he look of his current environment.

"Oh. I guess I was just," he paused dramatically and posed, "in the zone." He kicked his foot and threw his head back and lifted an arm and curved his fingers.

Jimin chuckled and a harsh knocking startled them. Jin opened the door cautiously and hid the boy behind his back.

"Is mister Park here?" An officer asked as he caught a figure uneasily standing and eventually plummeting to the ground.

"We're here to collect evidence."


"Tae Tae~" Jimin grinned and cuddled into Taehyung's chest. The male sighed and softly massaged the boy's scalp.

Jimin gasped and let out an involuntary moan. Taehyung pulled his hand back and looked at the other with wide eyes.

"Ah, sorry." Jimin smiled and closed his eyes as if nothing has happened. Taehyung however turned a dark shade of red and turned away.

"Tae Tae," Jimin yawned and reached for his leg and gently rubbed circles, "I want to eat something."

"Like what?"

"Anything." Jimin yawned lightly and looked at Taehyung. "You should make me food, now."

Taehyung chuckled and nodded, "Okay Jimin," he got up and walked into the kitchen.

After fifteen minutes Jimin whined. "Tae Tae~! I'm hungry~ gimme fooooood." He wailed and with a thud, fell onto the floor.

Taehyung walked back and sighed, "I literally just stood there. I don't know how to cook."

Jimin sighed and squirmed as he waltzed into the cooking area. He stuck his tongue out at the latter. Taehyung chuckled nervously and scratched the nape of his neck.

Jimin began preparing a meal. After a few minutes he added some spices and kissed the tips of his fingers, "Voilà!"

Taehyung nodded in approval, "Yes. It looks good, but does it taste good?" He teased and Jimin began to puff his cheeks and pout.

"Of course it tastes good!" Jimin growled and began serving himself. He gave Taehyung one meatball while he gave himself the rest. Nine meatballs.

Taehyung chuckled and twirled the fork around the freshly prepared spaghetti and slurped up the noodles.

Taehyung paused and forced it down his throat.

"Well? Well? Does it taste good?" Jimin grinned happily as he waited for his perfect rating.

The latter swallowed and nodded. "It's... Interesting." He mumbled and Jimin broke into a grin.

Jimin did the same and savored the food before spitting and dabbing his tongue with a napkin.

"Tae Tae! Your tastebuds are weird! That tasted awful!" Jimin hissed and got up while attempting to prepare the dish once more.


The area was covered with sauce and spices. It smelled thickly of spaghetti, but of course the two males were nose blind as they were here the entire time.

A knock disturbed their concentration as they rushed towards the door and slid it open. Jimin smiled and waved.

Jin chuckled and wiped a bit of sauce off of his chin. "You're messy-YYYY!" His voice rose an octave as he walked in and looked at the mess.

"I-It's so dirty! What blew up? Why does it smell like.. Sauce?" Jin spat questions at rapid fire as both males just stared at each other and pretended to understand.

"Me and Tae Tae were making spaghetti!" Jimin finally interrupted and Taehyung mentally praised him for this moment.

"Really? That's good." Jin was at ease suddenly and looked at the pot, "Can I have some?"

Jimin served him a spoonful and Jin quickly ate it. He didn't say a word and kept a blank expression.

"What did I do wrong?"

Jin paused and licked his lips and pointed a finger at him in an accusing manner, "I think I have an idea. But I'm not saying anything until I'm sure. Would you mind making one more to see what you've done?"

Jimin nodded and began for the nth time. After Jimin placed it onto a bowl Jin still could decipher what he had done wrong. Jimin added the sauce, Jin tasted it. It was fine.

Finally Jimin was about to add the seasonings and jin quirked a brow, "Jimin wait, why are you adding that?"

Jimin paused and lifted a brow, "What do you mean? It tastes better with salt."

Jin peppered a small amount onto his hand and tasted it. He chuckled and shook his head, "Jimin."


"This is sugar."


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