||Part Four||

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Jimin looked at him with a scrunched up face. He tilted his head a little like how a dog would resemble a puppy face. Hoseok bit his lip and sighed, "I'll spare you. Tae Tae, don't let him find out. He's cute when he's innocent."

"Okay..." He mumbled as he looked over at the boy who had quickly gotten over the news and was drooling over the food.

"Jimin?" Taehyung smiled as he watched the boy eyeing a certain strawberry cake. His lips were parted and he was on his tippy toes looking at the assortments of cakes.

"Alright. How much is an entire cake?" Taehyung sighed as he dug into his pockets and pulled out his wallet. Jimin payed no mind to him and kept drooling.

"Plain is twenty, decorated is forty." (In dollars)

"Jimin, which do you want?" Immediately once the question left his lips he almost regretted it as the boy flung himself towards the display case and embraced the glass which prevented him from wolfing down the pastry.

Taehyung sighed and handed over the necessary amount and Hoseok took the cake out of the case and smiled, "I actually made this one." He commented but neither of them seemed to care as Taehyung was looking at Jimin and Jimin was looking at the cake.

"For here or to go?"


"To go!"

Both boys paused as Jimin sighed, "Fine. To go."

"Here." Taehyung corrected and suddenly Jimin perked up. "Yay!" He cheered as he quickly snatched the cake and ran off to a booth.

"Hey, Tae?" Hoseok politely whispered as he ripped off his apron and folded it neatly on a chair and rounded the corner.

"Yeah?" Taehyung leaned against the cabinets. Hoseok glanced at Jimin who was already done with two-thirds of the cake.

"I wouldn't get so involved with him if I were you," was all he said as he went into the employee room hoping to create suspense.

Instead he merely left a conflicted Taehyung with his mouth slightly agape in confusion. He brushed off the comment he made and waddled over to where Jimin was.

"How are you already done?" Taehyung gaped at the boy who was neatly cleaning himself up with a pastel pink napkin.

"You took forever."

"It was less than five minutes."

"Exactly! You took forever!" The boy protested and sighed while glumly shrugging, "Can we go now?"

"Of course." The male sighed as he left tip for Hoseok and they both exited the café. Suddenly they spotted an angry Suga approaching them. Taehyung's eyes widened but Jimin didn't seem to mind. In fact, he was delighted to see his brother coming over.

Taehyung quickly scooped Jimin up and started running in countless directions. Taehyung then stopped at a building and leaned against it with a perplexed Jimin in his arms. He panted softly hoping he'd managed to escape from Suga's wrath.


Taehyung jumped as he heard two voices in sync saying the same term. He looked at Jimin who giggled and smiled, "Suga does this all the time. After a certain period of time I managed to find out when he does this."

Taehyung groaned and slide down the wall as he watched the older male crouch down and quickly take Jimin away.

Jimin whined a little and slowly hovered to Taehyung's direction but Suga protectively embraced the male and groaned, "You had me worried, Chim Chim.." He kissed his forehead and the brother didn't say a thing.

"Can I hang out with Tae Tae a while longer?" Jimin whined and the fury in Suga's eyes was practically a death threat for Taehyung. But of course poor little naive Jimin didn't see a thing.

"No." He spat and the boy frowned and looked at his shoes. He dropped his gaze from his shoes to which was now directed at the male that was pale as a ghost.

Suga noticed this and growled as he walked away and gingerly set his brother in the car. He mumbled a few apologies and came back.

"You ****ing disobeyed me." He growled as he balled his hands into fists. Taehyung looked to the side and sighed softly.

"I'm sorry."

"SORRY ISNT GOING TO CUT IT, BUDDY." Suga hissed and swung his fists to and fro at the male.

"MIN YOONGI. STOP IT!" A male from behind cried as he rushed over to both males and attempted to pull the abused Taehyung out.


Suga accidentally swung his fist to Jimin's cheek and a loud crunch made both male's eyes widen. Jimin just moaned for a while before collapsing to the ground.

"Chim Chim?" Suga attempted to get a response from the unconscious male. He gently shook him while tears slowly started to form in his dull eyes. "You're being really inconsiderate right now...!" He said impatiently.

Taehyung finally had a chance to dash but he didn't take the opportunity. He took out his flip phone; which he does in fact hate, and call for an ambulance.

After a while the older glanced up at Taehyung who was currently busy giving a location. A vein appeared on his forehead. He was NOT happy with Taehyung.

As soon as the call had ended, Suga immediately pounced at him and took a fistful of his sweater and he violently shook him. His head bobbing up and down as he was scared to death.

"YOU PIECE OF ***T!" Suga cried out as he pulled his fist back and aimed it right at his left temple.

"Jimin wouldn't want this to happen." Taehyung countered as Suga's hand went flying.


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