||Part Two||

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Taehyung squinted slightly and rubbed his eyes, attempting to see if what he was seeing was an actual shadow, or if he was simply being delusional. Surely enough, the shadow was still there.

He slowly approached the dark black silhouette and slowly noticed a few distinguishing features. It was a human just a few feet away.

He took a deep breath and slowly jumped right in front of the man, startling him causing Taehyung to scream which triggered the stranger to yell and kick as a reflex.

But when Taehyung saw his foot rise just a millimeter he too kicked, and what better place than where the sun doesn't shine?

Both males groaned in pain as they rolled onto the floor. Their pains of agony alerted a few birds which decided to fly away and chirp, as if to laugh at their misfortunes.

Apparently Taehyung didn't kick quite as hard which meant that the stranger was soon relieved of the pain. Of course it wasn't complete but he managed to stand up while mumbling quite a bit of profanity.

Taehyung was curled up on the pavement. The sun slowly found it's way through the leaves of the giant trees that shielded them from light. Except today. The bright light practically blinded him as he kept on moaning.

However, despite of the current situation he was in, the stranger was at awe of Taehyung's appearance. He hadn't seen anyone sculpted in such a way. He was like a piece of art. His parents were to be blessed for creating such magnificent creature.

However the stranger caught himself staring and hoped that he could cover that with a cough. He quickly threw his fist to his mouth to cough but only managed to punch himself.

He growled in pain as he tasted blood when he bit his tongue.

"You're mister bad luck, huh?" Taehyung joked as he slowly sat up and started taking relaxing breaths to calm himself.

The other looked at him and sighed, "Sorry. I'm a big klutz. My sibling thinks so too." He chuckled and scratched the nape of his neck.

Wind rushed through them and tussled their hair. Leaves danced in the air and made their way to the cement. They didn't say a word as they just stared at one another. The sound of wind chimes filled the area as the stranger slowly approached Taehyung.

He bent down on one knee and turned around to reached his backpack, he took out an ice pack, and with pink dusted cheeks, he handed it over.

Taehyung accepted the gift and inspected it, "Do you just so happen to have ice bags in your bag?" He questioned as he iced from the outside.

"This isn't the first time I've had this happen." He confessed sadly. He demonstrated his bag and sighed, "It has a built in cooling system. So my notebooks are pretty cool." The stranger smiled and started rambling on and on about how much he loves the coolness which slowly changed into a different subject which morphed into another.

"And that's why unicorns are, in fact, real." The stranger smiled victoriously as he balled his fists and attempted to contain his happiness but failed as his squeals got the best of him.

"I'm sorry, I don't even know you." Taehyung suddenly commented with a confused smile. The stranger looked at him once more and soaked in the sound of his voice. It was low. It was smooth. It was PERFECT.

"Are you foreign? You sound like you're from England." The stranger giggled and ignored the statement the other had made earlier.

Out of no where Taehyung felt insecure and he bowed his head down. He blinked and felt woozy. He's never had this feeling. He was on the verge of tears. Though it hadn't been much, and obviously nothing compared through everything else he's suffered through, it felt as if that comment stung worse.

"You've gone quiet all of a sudden." The stranger gasped and lifted the man's chin and looked him in the eyes. They were gorgeous, but of course no one would admit that.

"It's okay if you're a foreigner!" The stranger suddenly piped up and giggled, "I think it's really cool that you have an accent too! It's refreshing."

"Refreshing?" Taehyung suddenly asked as curiosity replaced insecurity quite quickly. He felt quite at peace with the male.

"Everyone here has the same accent. It's boring. It's like we're all robots." The boy pretended to mock the others on their speech and giggled devilishly and suddenly snorted.

The stranger turned red while Taehyung doubled over and laughed. He forgot his pain completely and kept his focus on the male's action. He's never heard anyone snort, but this seemed adorable. He couldn't not laugh at it, too.

The stranger gasped at the other's reaction and sadly clamped his hands over his mouth as tears threatened to spill. He accidentally bit his hand and slowly drew out some blood. He didn't feel it. He was numb to the pain. At least this one.

All he could focus on was how the other male was LAUGHING at him. He couldn't believe this god would laugh it him. Surely he wasn't worthy.

He he sniffed a couple times and turned to leave but a pressure wrapped around his wrist and shocked him to keep him in place. The stranger looked at Taehyung abashed while the other gave an apologetic smile, "Did I do something?"

"You La-ughed at m-mEE!" The male was trying to conceal his desperate need to cry, but couldn't contain it any longer as in the end his voice went a notch higher as tears streamed down his pale skin.

Taehyung gave a look of sorrow as he felt as if he was being an affliction. He sighed and gave an awkward hug to the sobbing male. They stayed in each other's embrace for a while until a loud voice interrupted their little consoling moment.

"JIMIN. ARE YOU SKIPPING?!" Suga's voice roared throughout the entire building and area. His voice echoed through the perimeter and people slowly became worried. After the accident earlier everyone knows an upset Suga is a violet Suga.

"I-I.." The younger struggled for words and started choking on excuses. Suga glanced over at Taehyung who had released the other. He scrutinized him and cocked an eyebrow.

"Well? I still expect an answer. Doesn't matter who gives it to me." His voice was low and not at all like how it was earlier in the day.

"Why do you care anyway?" Taehyung challenged and fought the urge to smirk. He knew the other couldn't give an answer without a confession come afterwards. He had guessed that Suga simply had a crush on the other.

"He's my ****ing brother. How the hell am I not supposed to care?"Suga hissed with venom in his voice.

"Jimin. You aren't supposed to talk to damn strangers. Go to the car." Suga growled with a voice full of authority.

The younger quivered his lip and was about to protest but the elder gave him a death glare, sending the scared child back.

"What were you doing with him?" Suga's voice was low as he looked at Taehyung with an intimidating look.

Taehyung was oddly calm, he hadn't done anything wrong. So there shouldn't be any bad consequences.

"I saw someone and went to check who it was." He paused and he dawned on one comment which was made earlier.

"So, you both are related?" Taehyung asked with a pleasant smile playing on his lips.

The other grunted and gave a weak nod, slowly he stepped up to the younger and pulled his sweater collar down to make sure they were at the same eye level.

"And don't you ****ing dare get involved with him."



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