😅Q & A😂

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Me: Hey guys. Thanks for listening to the information. Now, are there any questions?

Participant: No, of course not. You explained it so badly, why would anyone have questions?

Me: What are you suggesting?

Participant: You're just a teen girl, you can't run a contest.

Me: I might be a teen but I'm still doing this contest. I'm trying to make this as good as a contest as any other one, and I spend up to an hour a day on this contest. Why have you even entered?

Participant: because why not? It's a chance to win, and I think my book is better than everyone else's crappy books.

Me: I think you're mistaken. You're not getting any chance to win. I'm taking out your entry as we speak.

Participant: What! You can't do that! Why?

Me: You're being rude, and unsupportive of others' books. And yes, I can do that, I'm not going to do extra work for someone who doesn't even deserve it.

Guards: *Escorting the participant out*

Yes, if you're being rude or mean to others and their works, I will take you out. Just don't, it will be better for both of us, ok? 😊

Participant: Why do we have to follow you? That's being a little demanding, you're just making everyone follow you and getting more followers!

Me: For each individual book, it takes about two minutes to do the book card. It takes about 10-12 minutes total to collect the data from the judges and get it on the card. Finally it takes 3-5 minutes to get your scores down, and take the averages and a that. And let's not forget about the judges, who might take up ti an hour to judge your book depending on how long the 15 chapters are. Plus, your book will get posted in this very contest book, and will even get a chance to win this competition. I think you should give this account at least a follow.

Participant: Oh, well now that you put it into perspective...

Me: Other questions?

Participant: You said no LGBTQ+ books allowed in the rules. My book isn't about LGBTQ but it does have an LGBTQ character. Is that ok?

Me: Yes, it's fine to have an LGBTQ character, but the plot cannot be circulating around the fact that they are.

This question gets asked a lot, so just to clear it up 😊

Participant: I had 14.3 K reads when I entered, but now I have 15. Does my book still get entered?

Me: of course, if it had less than 15k reads when you enter it, it's good. And plus, do you think I'm going to check every singe book just to make sure they are?

Participant: My book has explicit sexual content. Can I enter?

Me: not unless you either take it out or specify in the entry form to skip the chapter that has it. If your book circulates around the sexual content you simply can't enter it.

Participant: I have over 15 chapters, but all the chapters are really necessary, and there's a huge plot twist on chapter 19. What can I do??

Me: Well, I guess, if your chapters are fairly short, you can combine some chapters. But if you want to keep the same chapters but you still need more than 15 chapters in then I suggest making a new book and then combining them there. But please keep in mind that the judges have to read all 15 chapters :-( try not to make them go over 4K words or so.

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