Chapter five

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It's been getting rough with the gang lately and he hasn't been home for Sarah that much, worrying her. He sometimes doesn't come home making Sarah sleepless at night. Sarah's stress was over the top for a little girl of her age. This gone on for at least a week maybe longer. Dave would come with Drake individually visiting her telling her that her daddy's been really busy at work.

But suddenly one day at least three big and scary looking men came to the house saying that they were bodyguards for her. Why would she need bodyguards? That was all figured out on the day she heard gun shots and Spanish being said through the door. The door busted open to find a worried little girl. There was at least six men with guns one standing out from the rest meaning that he could be their boss.

They quickly grabbed her by her arms and dragged her to the kitchen. Her eye twitched with annoyance and fear. What's happening? She thought. The leader looking guy started dialing his phone and ringing sounds could be heard. Once the rings ended it was her daddys voice she could hear.

"What the hell do you want?! Jenos" his voice yelled out of the phone. The leader chuckled. Confused the girl tried to stand on her feet having to stand on her knees was hurting her.

"Who are these men daddy?!" She called out and that made him stop shouting through the phone.

"Baby?" His voice cracked a little. She grunted in response when the guys yanked her back to her knees.

"What happened to my little girl?!" He shouted.

"Oh you better come home quickly I'll give you at least twenty minutes to exchange yourself, alone might I add or sweet little Sarah here dies" the leader had a Spanish accent clear as day. What he said made her snort. She wasn't going to die by the likes of them and she wouldn't let daddy get handed over to anything.

"Okay okay just don't hurt her" then the phone hung up. Sarah stifled a laugh when the leader guy named Jenos tried to intimidate her by his large structure and his cold features. That earned her a punch in the gut and in the face busting her lip. This almost did nothing to her, 'might as well do worst' she thought to herself.

"Come on punch a little hard" she urged sarcastically. She yawned tiredly out of lack of sleep when he punch her and slapped her. All she wanted was her daddy asleep next to her.

"Your lucky I won't shoot you, killing your little 'daddy' would be more pleasurable since he's that valuable to his boss" to say Sarah was confused was an understatement. Jenos held a gun to her head threateningly.

Just then her daddy came bursting through the door. What he found broke him to pieces. Sarah was beaten up and had bags under her eyes. It seemed like she hadn't slept for days just like him. She smiled showing her busted lip as it bled. He tried stepping towards her but was stopped when a gun loaded. He held up his hands in surrender kneeling down on the ground.

"P-Please don't hurt her I'm here and you get what you want just don't do i-it" he stuttered only keeping eyes on the little girl before him, his little girl. Tears formed in Sarah's eyes as Jenos pointed the gun at him. He was about to pull the trigger when she used all the strength she could and yanked out of their grasp. Quickly running over to her daddy Jenos pulled the trigger but....instead of hitting him it hit Sarah.

His little oneWhere stories live. Discover now