Chapter six

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"No!" He yelled tears threatened to fall from his eyes as she yelped in pain of her now shot abdomen. She went up and hugged him with one arm going around his waist while the other hung loosely by her side holding her wound.

Clenching her jaw she studied his body to find a weapon. A gun was spotted on his waist where her arm was draped around his waist. Taking it as quickly as possible. She was on Jenos back in a matter of seconds pointing the gun to his head. Her eyes were murderous rage fueled her endless fire that burned within her. All of her bloodlust could be felt in the air around them freezing them with fear. Jenos shook with fear right underneath her hold. She was like a snake wrapped around him.

"Die" she whispered pulling the trigger. Blasting his brains out, blood scattered on the floor and onto her face giving her an even more deadly look. She stocked closer to the guys that now dropped their guns from their shaking hands.

"Kneel" she pointed down to the ground. They all immediately got down on one knee in a straight line in front of her. Their heads bowed in submission to her burning gaze. Wincing in pain but tried to stay focused.

"Take your guns and push them to a pile on the ground" her voice was laced with so much authority that they had nothing else to do but to do as the little girl says. Once done she pointed her gun to two of them. Walking menacingly to them she came to whisper into their ears.

"Go and burn your bosses body far...far away from here then come back" she paused for affect. They nodded quickly and was about to grab the lifeless body when she loaded the gun again making them face her.

"Run away" she tilled her head and a wicked grin formed on her face. Hiding her pain as the blood slowly started bleeding out of her.

"I'll know where you are and I'll kill every single one of your loved ones and then torture you after you see me kill your loved ones then kill you all" though it sounded so real she wouldn't do that to innocent people. They nodded and went out dragging their boss with them to a black car.  Turning back to the others, one had already fainted. A couple minutes later Dave and Drake burst through the door surprising her she pointed the gun at them.

"Oh sorry Uncle Dave and Drake you startled me" she smiled though the menace in her eyes was clear and they shivered under her gaze.

They looked around to find blood and a fainted guy on the floor with another one shaking in fear with his head bowed. They looked over to her daddy to find him staring at something on Sarah. Blood dripped to the floor rapidly Dave dived in quickly and started fumbling around with his fingers mortified that she got shot. Drake to had a cold expression the fact that some one hurt her.

"She killed Jenos" her daddy weakly said tears streaming from his eyes. He was to shocked to move and they all knew it. Then the two guys she sent out came in with slightly burnt clothes. They kneeled back in position and bowed their heads.

"Good now with your boss dead I think I've had my fair share on fun so how about a proposition?" She asked, hope filled their eyes as they looked up. She was going to give them mercy for a second time.

"Your going to get your acts together, live a better life and go see your loved ones. Enough of the child's play already" she sighed exasperated at the end.

"When you play a dangerous game like this you might as well be dead. For such as holding a life of one that is weaker than you, their will always be some one else to kill you, some one stronger. Scared? Well that's a sign of a coward who can't finish what they started" she frowned. They all shook their heads vigorously. They knew she was right, scared of a little girl like her she scared them straight.

"Yes ma'am" they said at the same time.

"There's the respect I want to hear now stand and put your hands to your hearts" she commanded. They did as told now holding their hearts.

"Swear to never step foot in the crimes you've seen before here today and that I won't see your faces around my family again or would you rather die then take my mercy?" She asked studying the gun. They shook their heads.

"We swear our loyalty and pride thank you" they bowed. Sarah threw the gun to the pile of guns and smiled her murderous eyes softened for the men before her. The tense air diminished. But the pain in her was now even more evident she hid the pain in her eyes as she held on tighter to her abdomen.

"If you need anything just please give us a call " a guy handed her all of their contacts and took her hand and touch the back of it with his forehead. With that they all walked out of the house with a smile. She turned over to the shocked men. It seemed she shocked everyone now these days.

"I missed you dad-" before she could finish she dropped to her knees tired all of a sudden. Blood rushed out of her body as her eyes began to droop. He quickly rushed to her side tears rushing down his face as he stared down at his almost lifeless daughter.

"B-Baby you have to stay awake okay? You can't leave me now little one I-I just got approval to make you my real daughter I have the paper work and everything ready" he rambled crying. Drake took her out of his arms. Anger brood in the crying father.

"Don't take her away from me!" He shouted. Drake shook his head.

"We need to take her to our gang house doctor it's quicker" he said sternly rushing out the door to his car laying Sarah's almost unconscious body in the back of his car. Dave jumped in the front while he sat in the back hold his little girl.

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