drink | osamu

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is it his eyes, like pools of molten copper when he holds onto that false grin, dragging you in with simple glimpses. they would become dark and congested with regrets when you expressed your uneasiness or if you were ever to dispute his motive or his past. eyes that have seen hell and back, have seen you at your most exposed state, your most potent. holding the ailing mourning gaze that earned him his title as a demon. eyes that never practiced sympathy or kindness on young, poor or old. his eyes were his medium, his guise.

"I don't belong here. it's not a place for people who do good, who have sympathy."

is it his lips that caress yours every single day, as a light reminder that you are property of the monster. the demon. a demon that lets sugary, sour, sickly syllables come out of the lips. lies. he lies to you sometimes, not as often as he lies to others; it hurts, since you know that he lies to you. but you kept withdrawn, because of his lips. lips that tell you just how much he seems to know about you. more than you know about yourself, and yet you know nothing of him, but the taste of his lips.

"It's my birthday in two years."

is it his hands, long slender fingers, bandages crawling up his wrists. hands that have handled every inch of you, inside and out. made you scream, cry, moan for more of the desire he granted you. with his hands, the initial tools of man, of monster. hands that have wrung the necks of men and women from all over the earth and ordered the deaths of many more. fingers that curl inside of you, fingers that curl around the trigger of a gun. fingers that equate to knuckles, that felt grazed and scarred beneath your fingertips.

"Visit me and we'll drink together!"

you could never fathom what had inclined you to fall for the lying, cheating bastard of the port mafia. he had winked in your direction and you stood there, with nothing but the leftover moisture of his lips on yours, and a message.

it didn't take you long to figure out what he meant, it didn't take you long to figure out the man himself either.

mysteries? sounds fun.

"So why would you want to join the armed detective agency?"

"a drink."


is this too vague and pretentious or-

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