waltz | hirotsu

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-i can't imagine hirotsu going out with someone younger than him. He is a traditional man and therefore may court in traditional means, he dates within his range.

-he is a very open lover, and not always does that have to be strictly sexual. in public he will take his s/o's hands lightly and place a kiss on the back, smiling with closed eyes as he does.

-he is adamant on always holding their hand, keeping contact with them in some way. whether it be linking arms or him sliding his arm around their waist, it makes you feel safe and thats all he wants.

-(my imagine) i always imagined hirotsu going for a person that was as wise as him, but still compassionate and courteous, wielding a not so powerful ability but finding a way to utilise it for use in ir out of the mafia.

-if his s/o isn't in the mafia, he tells them his occupation immediately. He cannot stand secrets, and wouldn't want to be the one to keep them.

-he finds in depth talks with his s/o magical. Speaking of internal matters and feelings on whatever us happening in their lives over tea is makes him feel calm, something he rarely ever feels. if they are as well spoken as him its as if you are watching an old married couple reminiscing on old times, if they aren't married of course.

-sharing cigarettes on rainy nights.

-he is the best ballroom dancer in the mafia. and when it becomes silent and it is him and his s/o together, he will offer his gloved hand and bow with civility.

-"i hope you would give me the honour of dancing with you."

-"the honour is all mine darling." They say as they kiss his hand over the glove, reversing roles as he usually is the one that does these kinds of things. "Waltz?"

-speaking sexually, he is stirctly vanilla, but the way in which he performs makes it feel anything but. His hands, de-gloved, work slowly on their clothes and take care to run his fingers gently over their skin, leaving no place un-loved. He takes his time and makes sure they are both feeling equally pleased.

-hirotsu is not always adamant on things like this but when he does he does have sex, he makes love. It's not often, and i don't imagine someone as old as him being ravenous and active in the bedroom, but whatever moments spent beneath the sheets are cherished i assure you.

-he is a gentleman through and through, never doing anything, even kissing, without consent.

-he treats them like the angel they are, calling you "darling." Or "my love".

-hirotsu is the perfect bachelor and he deserves a ten-fold more love than he receives.


my darling baby love you long time,
also happy b-day dazai.

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