Baby Danalee

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"Your majesty the queen has delivered a healthy baby girl " a servant I didn’t know the name of said in a
hushed voice to my lord husband king Leopold. Even though this child is not his I must make him believe
it is or he'll have my head for treason.
"Great my snow can still be the heir to the throne " as Leopold said that even more hatred for snow
grew inside me. My daughter is just as special as that brat.
I rock my baby in my arms taking in her beautiful looks. Skin as white as snow ,eyes as blue as the far
and wide ocean , hair as black as ebony wood and lips as red as a red red rose. She was perfect just like
her father.
"Regina can I see our daughter " my insides were screaming no she's not your daughter she's Daniel's
but I fought against that idea my daughter needed a mother and what was wrong with growing up a
princess anyway. So I reply with a meek "yes my lord" he takes her into his arms and just stares at her
for a moment I'm worried that he can tell she's not his child.
"She's perfect but she needs a name and as you brought her into this world you should name her "
Leopold states and my worries are washed away. My daughter was safe . I'm also relieved he let me
name her ,I don’t think I could deal with my daughter being named after a season.
"Danalee Epona White " Danalee for Daniel but without being too obvious and Epona because it means
horse and me and Daniel met over horses .
" Why that " Leopold asked curiously.
"Epona because it means horse and we met because I rescued Snow from a horse and Danalee because
I've always had a connection to that name " I lied so easily to him. He's so caught up with Snow to get to
know me so lying to him has become so easy.

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