secret telling

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*4 years later *
"Mommy " young Dani ran towards me as any child would when they saw their mothers. She grow
everyday looking more like Daniel with each passing moment. Even though I was happy I had a reminder
of my dear love, I was terrified Leopold would relies she's not his.
"will you tell me a secret Snow told me you told her one and I want to know one to please mommy "
Dani begged me. Of course Snow told Dani I had told her a secret she just couldn’t keep that stupid
mouth shut. Thinking what I could tell her I decided to tell her the truth about her parentage.
"okay my little princess but we have to go on journey on the horses first so no one hears or wouldn’t be
a secret " I reply knowing she loved anytime she could have with me. Leopold would be mad that I left
the castle but what's another bruise to add to the many he has already left ,when I get make my
princess happy.
"yeah lets go now " she cheered jumping for joy as I lightly took her hand and led her to the stables. The
new stable boy Robbie greeted me and Dani before getting my horse a black stallion named royal a gift
from one of Leopold's distant cousins. Robbie helped me up on royal before lifting Dani up to me . Ithanked him before ridding of in to the thick vast green forest where not long ago I ripped that gypsy's
heart out. Rumpelstiltskin still teaches me magic but only in secret or my daughter could be motherless.
We reached our secret spot where Daniel used to take me when I was young and naïve. A long clear
blue river ran down beside our spot, long green grass blows in the wind , tree stumps provide perfect
seating. Tall evergreen winding trees creates the perfect amount of shade. The whole area is perfect but
not as perfect as my Danalee.
" This secret you have to promise me you won't tell anybody or mommy will have to leave you for a very
long time " I warn hoping she is not like that snow brat.
" Of course mommy I don’t want you to leave me " my perfect Dani answered with tears forming in her
perfect blue eyes. Taking her into my arms as I jumped off royal and sat on one of the fat tree stumps.
"mommy is going to tell you a story okay " my little girl nodded enthusiastically , making her wild ebony
curls bonce. " Once upon a time a very high class lady fell in love with a handsome stable boy however
the lady's mother didn’t like the stable boy so she killed him and made her daughter marry the king but
she didn’t like him he was not very kind but she soon had the stable boy's child so she was happy " I said
trying to keep it as child friendly as possible. Her intense eyes bore into my soul as she listened carefully
to my story.
Finally after a short pause she blurted out " her mommy isn't very nice not like you " her childlike
innocents on full display. Giggling softly to myself the type only Dani can draw out of me, I take her
holding her small frame tightly keeping my tears at bay.
" well the secret is mommy is the very high class lady in the story and you are the child I'm sorry you had
to find out but you mustn't tell anybody even your father the king " her little head nods as I apologies for
her parentage.
" It's okay mommy it can be our special story and you can tell me all about my real daddy when we go
on our next ride " she said with the confidence of someone much older than her 4 years. Rapping my
arms around her as I cuddle her as close as possible for her understanding. I'm glad she is nothing like
my stupid step daughter who couldn’t keep a small secret.
We arrive back at the marvelous golden structure we call home just before noon so hopefully Leopold
didn’t notice my absence. Carrying Dani to the dining room in record time, we pass Snow who joins us
on our journey. we took our seats as the cooks brought out the last of our plates of rich food. Boom!
The doors of the room burst open as Leopold made his presence known to all in the dining hall.
" My dear Snow White and My English Rose" Leopold greeted his children. Snow like always gave him a
hug as he passed her. Dani was a little reluctant at first but with my encoring eyes she hugged him lightly
unlike her normal tight hugs. Leopold is taken aback by this but brushes it of as child mood swings.
Leopold sat at the head of the table Snow on his left, Dani on his right and me next to Dani we never
used the other end of the table unless we had guests and that rarely happened.
"What did you do today Snow " Leopold asked Snow to make light conversation, Snow babbled on about
what she did this morning and he listened as if it was the most interesting thing he had heard all day he
barely took notice of me and Dani but that suited us both fine.

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