his return

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*2 days later *
" Mom look in the book there's new pages of you and a man who looks like Dani " I felt myself panic as
Henry said those simple words Dani knew Leopold wasn't her father but the rest of the town didn’t. I
take a peek at the book on page nineteen it's me and Daniel at the tree before I go and rescue snow
from her run away horse. Tears grow and threaten to fall down my flawless face, Daniel is gone but
maybe it's a sign I can find my happily ever after. " Who is he mom ?" Henrys question brakes my
"he was very special to me he was my true love and is Danalee's dad but my mother killed him " I say
looking at the ground my tears creating a puddle under my feet on the shiny slippery marble tiles.
"She never killed me just sent me away and I can't believe I have a daughter " my head whips up at the
recognizable voice, I run and jump into his waiting arms spinning me around we fall to the ground
laughing so much tears of joy spill. My Daniel has returned to me.
After a while we stood up still embracing each other lovingly looking into one others eyes his crystal blue
eyes boar into my soul much like Dani's did when I told her about Daniel. " well who is this handsome
young man ? " Daniel asks pointing towards My little prince.
" Henry Daniel Mills my little prince" I smile proudly at him my baby boy so grown up. Henry took
Daniels hand and gave it a strong handshake.
"Daddy " Dani cried as she say her dad the stories I had told her were very descriptive on how Daniel
looked I also painted him often so Dani knew who he was straight away. Hugging Daniel kissed Dani
sweetly in her wild ebony curled head.

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