no more Henry

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*the day the cures is broken *
"henry no matter what you think no matter what anyone tells you … I do love you " I cry as I slowly back
out of the room towards my home. Dani ran at me as soon as I reached our home she hugged me tight
as I kissed her forehead before I ushered her indoors quickly.
"mom where's Hen " she asked happily as if the cure Hadn't just broken
" Everyone knows it was a cures Emma broke it so Henry won't be here for a while my sweet angle " I
say while hugging her tight , stroking her ebony curls. I've lost one child today I don’t think I could lose
another. My tears flowing down my olive skin as I try to forget about all the pain Danalee and Henry will
have to go through because I'm their mother. If snow had never told my mother about Daniel I wouldn't
have cast the curse but if she didn't I would have never adopted henry so I guess I have that to thank her
Falling into a deep depression I never left the chair in the study. I feel pointless my baby boy no longer
needs me now that he has his "real" mother and Dani is too old for me at the ripe old age of nineteen.
All of life seems to be crumbling around me and there's nothing I can do about it. I've begun to have
quite loud suicidal thoughts and all I can do is sit in the chair in the study. Mobs come and brake the
windows and vandalize the mansion every day and I do a quick spell but I don’t see the point anymore
Henry's never here and Dani has magic so if it bothers her she could just magic it back to perfection
herself. I want to feel needed but I just feel useless. The next few weeks all I do is sleep in the chair in
the study and drink apple cider to drawn my sorrows away.
"Mom it's time to get up and stop mopping around what will dad think if he saw you " Dani said while
trying to drag me off the chair in the study. The mention of Daniel brought me out of my dark dark
tunnel. Daniel died so I could live so I have to honor his memory and live my life even if people hate me.
I could always leave storbrooke

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