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Cameron's P.O.V.

She has a crush on me of all people. Should I tell her that I'm texting her. I don't think I should.

Sophia💚: Hey you awake

Cameron: Yeah I was just thinking

Sophia💚: Well that's a problem

Cameron: Sophia my last name is Dallas

Sophia💚: ...........................

Sophia's P.O.V.

I just told my crush that I like him. No he has to be lying. I will have him tweet something to prove that he is Cameron Dallas

Cameron❤️: Sophia are you ok

Sophia: Tweet out this phrase 'I love to have salt in my tea.' To prove that you are Cameron Dallas or you could FaceTime me.

My phone vibrated I got a notification from Twitter.

Camerondallas tweeted out: I love to have salt in my tea.

Sophia: Wow you weren't lying

Cameron♥️: Told you

Incoming FaceTime call from Cameron♥️

I clicked the accept button. As soon as it connected I saw the beautiful face of my crush.

"Hey Cam!" I exclaimed with happiness radiating off me. "Wow you're beautiful, no stunning, no gorgeous, no you're hot." He stated and I could feel my cheeks start to heat up as they turned a light shade of red. "Thanks you're also hot." I whispered just loud enough for him to hear. "So I have to go, but I will text you later."

Later That Night

Cameron❤:Goodnight love

Sophia:Night Cam

The Next Morning






Cameron❤:Wtf Sophia what do you want

Sophia:Good Morning Cam

Cameron❤:Good Morning Sophia. How  r u doing?

Sophia:Fantastic. What about you.



Cameron❤:Your texting me

A/N sorry guys I don't usually update often I will try to update more. This is chapter two I might put chapter 3 up soon

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