Chapter 8

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(Tom's POV)

I woke up feeling really sweaty! Yesterday was really tiring but I liked it. Today we were going back to Greenwich but our flight isn't until noon. I got out of bed and put on my usual clothes: ASDF shirt, grey jeans, checkered vans, and my blue hoodie. My hair didn't really need fixing since it's always messy. (Y/N) was still asleep and I didn't wanna wake her up so I decided to go to the lobby and grab some bEkFiSt! I slowly opened the door and stepped out then closed it again and went down to the lobby. The dining area and the food looked fancy af and I couldn't help myself but take a bunch of food. I was careful going upstairs because I carried an entire Olive Garden in front of my face. I finally opened the door and saw (Y/N) still asleep. I set the food down on the table and went to wake her up.

"(Y/N), babe. Wake up~" I cooed, gently poking her. She slowly turned and opened her eyes, squinting a bit from the daylight. I helped her out of bed and fixed the food, and together we ate until our stomachs were full. We hurried to clean up and fix our things before leaving. By 11:30, we checked out and headed to the airport. From there, we slept for the entire trip back to the UK, with (Y/N) sleeping (silently/soundly) on my shoulder.

(Your POV)

You woke up to the pilot speaking over the PA system declaring the landing. You looked at Tom and the both of you smiled at each other. You looked out the window and said "We're gonna la-" and before you could finish, Tom grabbed your face and kissed you as the plane landed, greeting the both of you with a huge bump that separated the kiss.

"Geez, that plane sure is a cockblocker.." Tom laughed. You giggled as he wrapped his arm around you and you continued looking out the window. It wasn't long until it was time to get off the plane and everyone was hurrying out. Tom lifted you up along with both of your bags and slowly waited to get off. Once you both were at the gate, the familiar and unique scent of Britain greeted your noses. "We'll be needing a taxi," you said, poking Tom. He scoffed and grinned, "Sure, I'll call for one."

Passing through the airport with all the security stuff and window shopping wasn't as short as you thought but it was worth looking at some stuff. You finally reached the pickup area but suddenly Tom disappeared. You frantically looked around until you heard a car honk its horns at you, and the passenger window rolled down, revealing Tom in the driver's seat. You laughed and quickly placed your bags in the trunk and got in. Tom started driving, grabbing your thighs and looking calm. You softly yelped as he stopped at a random road and put the car to a park.

"Something the matter?" he asked. You shook your head, "It's nothing." He said, "You sure?" as he slowly moved up to your crotch, rubbing his fingers there. You moaned, trying to move away. You started feeling wet until Tom moved his fingers away and started driving home. You pouted and started wimpering until Tom stopped again and looked at you. "You don't sound okay.." You leaned over to try and kiss him but he grabbed you by the chin and forcefully kissed you. "You really are horny." he smirked, lifting up your shirt. You started breathing heavily as he stared at you.

"You're already heating up but I didn't even do anything." he said, pulling your shirt back down. You couldn't take it anymore as you got up and reached over to his pants and quickly unzipped them, pulling out his member and quickly sucking, moving your tongue around and taking in every inch until Tom grabbed your head and...

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