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CATALINA HATED THE sound of hogwarts alarms. they have magic can't they have a more creative way too wake up students, like birds chirping or a light breeze. maybe even someone slapping her in the face would be better, still angry about the whole alarm system catalina hops out of her bed as do her three other room mates do. 

groaning and rubbing her eyes she grabs her essentials for a quick shower before breakfast starts. she walks into the shower hall, occupying a large shower. she sets down her items and undresses whilst she turns on the jets of water. whilst catalina was washing her body her thoughts lead to one thing and another but quidditch stayed there, cat hates quidditch with the burning passion but supporting hufflepuff is something she will always do. Hufflepuff is her house, and she will forever go to the games ONLY to support her house. you see everyone sees hufflepuffs as push overs, catalina is a very bold hufflepuff that swears and threatens a lot and sometimes when she sees quidditch games she uses her big mouth a little too much.

yet she really only hates quidditch because of how competitive the other teams make it. but she has a secret that not even her best of friends know, only her mum dad and brother. of course it can't get out other wise people will try to force her into doing things. snapping out of her thoughts she shudders as the water goes cold, quickly turning the water off she hops out and wraps herself in a towel. pulling on her bra and underwear then summer skirt, then her white button up shirt and lastly her hufflepuff robes. looking in the mirror she study's her face, "ew" she sighs getting up grabbing her tie and throwing her bag over her shoulder while walking down the stairs towards the common room exit.

hurrying towards the great hall she gets a few looks but not too many as she takes a seat. why she gets those looks? maybe beacuse she is a little late and is one of the only bitchy hufflepuffs that actually stands up for herself. anyway... she grabs herself a plate and shoves some pancakes and waffles on her plate along with syrup and fruit. shoving it quickly down her throat causing herself to get hiccups she drowns a cup of milk down her throat then getting up from her seat she has to quickly get her books from the common room. slapping her bag over her shoulder she exits the room. "ugh" she groans as she rubs her head, "watch out asshole" she whines. "merlin me?! watch out why don't you watch out?" the very well known oliver wood says in his thick accent. "oh shut it wood" she snaps, "woah, there rude much?!" he laughs. "not funny" i say flatly, "pretty funny" he laughs again. "oi wood shut it or i'll shut it for you alright?" she snaps obviously pretty pissed off. "okay then ill shut me and you up" he says pressing his lips too catalinas softly, she softens then stands up pushing his chest the hell away. "as smooth as that was wood fuck off before i hex you" she smiles at him. "fine then" he smlies satisfied leaving her.

grumbling the whole way to hufflepuff common room she enters it and goes straight to the room, "who knew he was so smooth" she says to no one in particular. "who is smooth?" her one of two only friends asked.

" no fucking one " she grumbles.

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