part i chapter ii

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The seven-fifty bell rang at Beacon Hill High School, meaning all four grades had ten minutes to get to their first periods. Stella was at her locker, grabbing her government book and folder. This was her least favorite class. It dragged on for forty minutes and she didn't care about anything the teacher said. She wasn't planning on going into politics.

"I don't understand school," a voice said behind Stella. Nathan.

"I mean, I understand that we need education, but I'm never going to need everything I've learned. Why can't we all pick our major when we are young so we can learn what we need to, not everything else?" Nathan continued.

"Because then there would be an excess of astronauts, veterinarians, and princesses," Stella replied, turning around.

"Alright, you win."

"Stiles has been acting so strange lately." Stella suddenly declared to the other two. When he had finally gotten home, at two am, he looked agitated. Stella had tried to confront him about it, but he simply told her he had a morning practice and needed sleep.

"Wait, catch me up," Nathan exclaimed. Stella had forgotten to tell Nathan what had happened. "I know that the police are looking for Lydia, but why? And why is your brother looking for her too?"

Stella explained to him what had happened and why, although there wasn't much to explain. She said that the sixteen year old had simply disappeared without a trace. Stella told them how distressed Stiles had been when he left her at the hospital and how stressed her father was by the entire case. As soon as she was finished, the warning bell for first period rang and the two went their separate ways to their first class.


Halfway through the first period, Stella realized that she had drank too much water that morning. She sat in her seat for about five minutes after making the realization, deciding that she would go after class. Her bladder had other plans. Since it was a private work time, she felt comfortable to simply walk up and grab a pass.

Stella made her way down the locker-lined freshman hallway and made a slight right turn. She reached for the handle of the women's bathroom but her eyes caught on a sign that read "Out Of Order".

She groaned and turned on her heel and began towards the next closest bathroom: sophomores'. She had only been there once, when she was getting a tour of the high school as an eighth grader. Stella made her way through the maze of halls, finally seeing her destination. Her walk got a bit faster when she spotted the stick woman clothed in a triangle dress. She was two steps from the bathroom when the door next to it, the men's, opened suddenly. A man that was definitely not in high school stepped out. He was about six foot, definitely taller than Stella. He had black hair that was pulled away from his face. The stranger had facial hair that was cut clean and he had piercing blue eyes that could kill. He was staring at Stella with a menacing look, although he looked a bit shaken himself. Stella tried to stare back at the young man but looked away quickly. His look could make her pee her pants.

Stella continued to the woman's bathroom. She slipped inside and shut the door, but rather than turning to go into one of the stalls, she faced the door again and opened it just a sliver to catch another glimpse of the mysterious man.

What is he doing here? She thought to herself. The man was not a student, that she was sure of. Could he be a teacher? No, she met all the teachers at back to school night and he was not there. Stella was about to close the restroom door completely when another figure emerged from the bathroom. This one was a bit shorter than the other, with blond hair. His face was turned away from Stella but she still recognized the cocky way he stood. Jackson Whittemore.

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