Newt's P.O.V

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I was showing Sara around today and I think she likes Track hoe. That's awesome because that my job too. On the way back to the box she scratched her leg so I took her to the Med-jeck. She had a necklace that was half of a heart with some words on it. She told me that the person she loved had the other half. I told her I had to go work on my job but really I went to my room and opened a jar. Inside that jar was a necklace " The other half." How do I tell Sara this, should I tell her, what would she say, so many questions went through my head. I knew I had to tell her but how and when? " I know tomorrow at our job I'll tell her.**THE NEXT DAY** It was early and I was shaking. I put the necklace on and walked out. I pulled her aside and showed her. We put the heart pieces together and looked at each other. "I knew it was you."she said

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