Sara's P.O.V.

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Me and Newt walked out to see that the gladers have made is a little wedding seramony. Teresa tool me to put on a dress and Thomas tool newt to on a suit. As u walked down the isle I looked at newt and saw tears in his eyes. "I do" " I do" we both said " You may now kiss the bride." We kissed for which felt like a hour but when we broke only a couple of seconds passed. There was not a lot of room in the glade to have a giant honeymoon but alby have us 3 days off so that cool. It was the end of the day and I went to sit in a tree and watch the stars."Beautiful huh?" I looked down to see newt but he looked sad. "What's wrong" I asked " it's just I can't believe we are married." his face automatically lit up. "Newt," I asked "Yes my love?" he called me love I blushed. " Do you think we have kids out of the maze?" He looked at me then joined me in the tree " I don't know." he said " But we will get out of here and find out." We stayed there all night until we heard footsteps. We lifted out feet and to our suprise we saw......

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