Newt's P.O.V

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Thomas came running. I grabbed Sara and we hid hoping he didn't see us. All the gladers knew he was stung so they took him to the pit. I fell asleep. "AHH!!" I woke up in terror to see Thomas holding Sara's dead body. I gasped for air. Iwoke up from a horrible nightmare with Sara right by my side. "Are you ok?" She asked "I'm fine." The next morning came and Thomas was still in the pit. Sara was still asleep. "Hey." Minho said. " I need to talk to you about Thomas." "Go ahead." "Thomas is being sent into the maze at sun down." He explained. "
But he will survive a night in the maze." I said. Minho went to med-jeck to see if there was any left over cure for being stung. I went to go check on Sara. She was still asleep and I was getting worried. I tried to wake her up but she wouldn't wake. I lifted up her shirt to see that see has been stung! "Minho!" I said "Is there any cure for being stung?" "Yes there is two more left, why?" I paused trying not to cry. "Sara's been stung." He looked like he might die. He grabbed a bottle and ran towards Sara. "Whoa, calm down alright." I said. " We need to save her." "Why are you so worried?" I asked "Because if we don't get there fast she might die!" We ran as fast as we can." What do you mean she can die?" I asked " When Thomas grabbed Sara he stabbed her with one of the grivers stingers, but he put poison in her open wound." He gave her the medicine she needed. Then Minho went to Thomas and have game him his medicine. Why did Minho care so much about Sara. He does know I'm engaged with her right?

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