Chapter 6 - Fragile and Vulnerable

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"Where are you?" I asked him immediately after answering the phone, at this point I was already moving away from the kitchen to the hallway.

"Home." Kyle spoke again in that lost tone. I was concentrating on him and leaving the apartment that I didn't realise Sav had took grab hold of my hand to slow me down.

"Stay right there. I'll be there in ten minutes." I told him.

I was reluctant to cut the call but I knew I had to.

"Who was that?" Sav asked me. "What happened? You look like you've just seen a ghost."

I shook my head, desperately trying to free myself from her hold.

"I gotta go. I'm sorry, I'll call or text you later." I promised.

The worried look on her face was going to haunt me until I called or texted her but with a grudging effort she let me go. I was glad at that moment that the kitchen wasn't connected with the living area so I didn't have to pass by it to say my farewells to everyone.

"Just tell the others that I had an emergency." I called out to her before opening the main door and exiting the apartment.

I couldn't think of anything but Kyle at that moment as I dashed down the stairs and practically hauled myself into my car as I reached it.

The fact that this had happened before prepared me for the outcome. In fact, it seemed to be forming a pattern; every three or four months and each time Kyle was unpredictable with the actions he took.

So with that in mind, I stepped on the gas, getting hooted off by angry drivers as I swerved past them to the direction of Kyle's house.

In precisely ten minutes I was pulling over Kyle's father's house, I managed to park behind Kyle's own car—he had managed to buy without the help of that pompous ãss.

I dashed out of my car, locking it briefly before sauntering to the direction of the entrance. Just as I turned around the corner, I stopped suddenly at the heart-wrenching sight before me.

Kyle was sitting on front porch; he had his head between his knees, one hand fisted on his mass of sandy brown hair as the other hand scribbled vigorously on the porch. If you didn't know him, you'd think that he was just mindlessly doodling on the pavement but I knew him. I knew what had happened.

I ran up to him and sat before him. I took hold of his hands and tried to pry his distant eyes away from his thoughts so that he would look at me.

He took one moment to see me and when those lost and broken eyes caught mines, my heart literally felt like breaking.

I did the only think I could think of. I pulled him up and wrapped my arms around him. The fact that his body was stiff as a statue told me how serious it was this time. I tightened my arms around him, pressing my head against his chest until he felt me. He wrapped his arms around me, buried his head between the crook of my neck. I felt his body shaking as a response and I knew I had to get him out of there as soon as possible.

No words where shared between us as I simply broke from the hug, took his hand and dragged him to my car.

Once safely inside, I began cruising away from his house. He sat in the passenger seat with his eyes shut close and his head pressed against the window.

"What did he do this time?" I asked him. His only response to my inquiry was a frown marring his features and the shake of his head.

I wanted to console him, to tell him whatever it was this time; he will get through it like he always did. But I knew these words at this right moment had to be kept to myself. He didn't want to speak because he was battling with himself inside.

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