Chapter 17 - Deep in the woods.

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*This work is not edited*


"Keya, come on, come on!" Three voices belonging to Kyle, Sav and Ned shouted for me. Sav was already at the back seat, her window rolled down. Ned took the driver's seat while Kyle helped pack my bags in Ned's family Jeep.

"I'm coming, jeez!" I shouted back, while hauling a bag pack on my shoulder.

Since it was boiling hot outside, I decided to put my hair into a messy bun, some curls still stuck out from the sides. I adorned myself in jean shorts, a tank top, a flannel shirt wrapped aorund my waist and my favourite white converse. It didn't look like camping-wear but then again, I went with what made me feel comfortable. I just hoped that wherever we were headed, there won't be mosquitoes or any other bite-nipping insects.

"Hurry up, Ryland and others are already driving to the rendezvous point." Sav impatiently whined, obviously annoyed at how slow I was walking.

I rolled my eyes and ignored her as I went behind the Jeep, intending to use the other door. I ended up bumping into Kyle whom was closing the boot.

I was still trying to get used to how my body reacted suggestively whenever he was near, so I was surprised when I froze within a spot. He hadn't changed clothes; he still wore his tight white t-shirt and khaki shorts. The only addition he added was a snapback on his head and sunglasses.

He smirked at me as he nodded his greeting and I was trying to get a hold of myself, trying not to picture his naked body on top of me.

I swallowed and returned his nod with a small awkward wave. I was still angry at him for earlier.

"Really?" He asked. "You're still mad?" He folded his arms across his chest.

I ignored the urge to gawk at his biceps as I concentrated on his face instead. I was glad for the barrier that was his shades; they prevented me from seeing those impeccable eyes.

"You're a jerk." I glared at him.

That increased his grin. "From that I guess you're still jealous."

"Jealous of what? Don't delude yourself." I said with venom.

He bit his lip, trying to hold his laugh. "You're cute when you're mad."

I gave him a glowering look. He held his hands up as if in surrender. "Don't kill me yet." He smiled. "If it makes you feel better, I didn't even get her number."

I hated how his new knowledge somehow did make me feel better. Seriously when had I ever become this jealous? It irked me.

I shrugged as a way to cut our conversation. I manoeuvred away from him, but before I could escape; I felt his hand at the skin of my waist. It was that small contact that resulted in a rush of heat coiling below my stomach.

I froze and slowly turned around. What I didn't expect was his closeness; it completely knocked the breath out of me as he leaned closer towards me. The smirk on his lips—although sexy—told me he knew exactly how he was affecting me.

"Don't be mad."

I swallowed. My throat was already dry so I knew I could not speak. I couldn't even think of what to say.

"I wasn't mad in the first place." I croaked.

"You keep denying it but your body says the opposite." The hands on my waist leave a burning sensation as they travel upwards.

"Kyle, stop." I whispered. My voice was barely audible from how husky it was.

He leaned closer and his smirk increased.

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