Chapter 28 - An Unseemly Reunion

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My most sincerest apologise to my readers for this prolonged update...I know I've lost many of you. But for those who haven't given up on this story...I offer many many thanks.

It's been what? 2 years now? Gosh forgive me.🙏🙏I'm back now and I will be finishing this story. I hope you all look forward to it. Thank you again!! 🤗🤗🤗



It turned out that Kyle didn't need to spend money for the flight to Chicago. Apparently, Jason had made plans out of the blue to travel to Seattle, to open up a new firm.

I had just hung up from a phone call with Anabelle, telling her about the trip Kyle and I were going to make. Although she was ecstatic that Kyle and Jason were finally going to meet after eight years. I could tell there was nervousness in her voice. Hell, I was freaking out too.

The ironic thing about the whole trip was how Kyle seemed calm about everything. Even after packing for the journey, getting into his car and driving out of Portland, he remained silent and collected.

The drive took about four hours. Four hours of awkward silences that were barely saved by the music on the radio. When we finally reached Seattle, it was evening. Kyle parked his car in front of the hotel Annabelle had mentioned they were staying at. It looked insanely expensive like one of those elite hotels where you only found the rich and powerful. A valet was ready to take Kyle's car for parking the minute we got out with our luggage.

At the receptionist, we were handed the keys to the room Annabelle had booked for us. It was a suite and again she'd used the company money. It seemed Jason Reyes trusted her for him to entrust her with such money. However, there weren't any complaints in my part once I saw how amazing the room was.

It had two bedrooms each with their own impressive respective bathrooms, a living lounge with a huge sofa facing toward one hell of a plasma TV. And the balcony overlooking a great Seattle view.

"Damn." Kyle voiced out my sentiment as he appraised the place.

I darted toward the balcony and admired the stunning view. I felt the presence of Kyle next to me before he could say anything. I waited for that initial burst of conversation but he was like a statue beside me.

Biting my lip, I turned to face him only for him to startle at my actions, looking as if he'd been caught doing something he was not meant to do.

I intended to ask him how he was feeling so far, however before I could speak a knock at the door rapt loudly, obliterating my attempt. I left Kyle at the balcony to open the door. Whether he followed me or not, I wasn't sure as I disappeared in the hallway.

Upon opening the door, Anabelle poked her head through and when she saw me she instantly pulled me into a hug.

"It's great to see you again Keya." She said, releasing me.

I welcomed her presence because it saved me being alone with Kyle in a hotel room. I couldn't ignore the knot that has been twirling in my stomach since we stepped into the room. My heart was yet to calm down from its lamentations.

"Hello, Kyle." She stepped out of the hallway into the living room to greet Kyle whom stood near the balcony door looking somewhat frazzled by her presence.

Anabelle took three strides to meet him with a hand strutted out for a handshake. "I'm Anabelle, your brother's personal assistant and friend."

"I heard." He took her offering hand, the tone of his voice indicating restraint.

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