How To Spell Love- Chapter 1

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Sitting in English class is pretty boring considering I have no interest in what the teachers teaching. I dread every day that I have to sit in these cold, hard, blue chairs that give you ass cramps while listening to Mrs. Martineli go on about palindromes, hyperboles, and past perfect tenses. Like really do we have to know that Anna Marcavit's name is a palindrome and that her cousin's, best friend's, sister's name is Hannah Maham, which is a whole palindrome within itself?

I'm staring at Judith Schinler who's starring at the board with her mouth hanging wide open in concentration, and will a fly to go and swoop into her mouth. I smile at the thought and disguise a laugh with a cough and look down when I hear my name being called.

"Nelle." Yes my name's a semordnilap.

As always I ignore Mrs. Martineli, who by the way was granted with the worse dominant gene in her family. She starts heading towards me as I continue to pretend to be so engaged in the music that's supposedly playing through my headphones.

Once she's next to me she pulls out one of my buds and says, "Miss. Nelle," her nose dances, "sorry for interrupting, but would you be so kind as to read paragraph 3 to the class and I?"

I look at her as if she's crazy. She never calls on me! I didn't even think she knew my name. I lick my lips and my tongue kind of gets struck because of it's dryness. Of course she'd call on me on the day that I didn't memorize the text.

"Umm..." I begin as I look down at the textbook split open in front of me. I mentally begin beating myself up. I feel tears well up in my eyes as I get frustrated at the words staring intimidating at me on the page.

"Miss. Nelle, we don't have all day," Mrs. Martineli say's sarcastically which has some of the kids in class chuckling a bit.

Tears are about to spill now and I can feel my face begin to redden from embarrassment, and for once I thank God for my long, hair that in this situation covered my embarrassed features. And I thank him again when I hear the loud, piercing bell ring.

Mrs. Martineli and I both sigh but for different reasons as I quickly gather my stuff and leave the classroom as fast as I can.


Laying on my back I stare at the ceiling as my fingers fiddle with an old, warn-out hair tie. My thoughts are still targeted on the events that happened in the hallway after English class. An involuntary groan makes its way through my closed lips and I flip over to burry my face in the fluffiness of my pillow.

I sigh before I hear the loud bang of my door being flung open, hitting the wall behind it in the process.

"Yo," a voice that hadn't quite hit puberty called.

"Get out," I mumble after a while.

"Negative," the boy says as I feel his body heat getting closer to me. "I worked way too hard on this essay to be shooed away. Now pay up or I-"

"Don't make empty threats Simon," I start as I sit up in bed. I stand and walk over to my dresser where my wallet layed next to a bottle of empty scented lotion. "Here, now get out." He takes the bills in exchange for the nicely typed essay and before leaving he shoots me a beaming smile then whistles away.

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