Without You

27 4 20

Kain's POV

I walk down the sidewalk as I carry the groceries that Lulen asked me to buy. Along with other groceries I need for the house. The sun shinned brightly, but the day hadn't started off too great. First, I had gone to my morning class only to find out that I scored a 64 on a test I thought I was well prepared for. Then, I found out that I locked my keys in my car. Next, I lost my wallet in the college campus (luckily it only contained $2). Afterword, I dropped my mouthpiece on the parking lot floor on the way to band practice. Suddenly, a spark of thunder broke the silence and it began pouring.

"Great! Now I'm getting soaked," I groaned as I sped my pace up. I tried walking as fast as I could without bumping into others nor dropping the groceries. The rain began falling harder, and it looked as though there were a big cloud of rain fog. I quickly found the nearest building and headed inside.

I had entered a café, and decided to go to a small table near the corner. The window stood just a few feet away and outside you could see purely white. I placed the groceries onto the table and walked to the men's bathroom. Grabbing some napkins I quickly dried my hair off and then used the hand dryer to dry off my clothes. I then swiftly walked back to my table, sat down, and took out my phone. Luckily it hadn't gotten soaked, so I checked it for any notifications only to not be greeted by any.

'I guess I should text Lulen that I'll be a little late then,' I thought to myself as I brought her contact up and clicked on the message icon.

Hey, I'm going to be a little late cause of this random storm that came, but don't worry I'll make sure to bring everything you need without it getting soaked :P

5:27 p.m.

After I texted her I went onto my weather app and checked to see how much longer the storm would last. It read that it would last another 2 hours tops. I groaned at this. Lulen will surely get frustrated that I haven't brought her things yet. If anything I can grab a small snack and see if the rain will let up a little as I eat it. So, I got up and strolled to the counter. The menu had many items, but I decide on a bottle of water and a piece of marble cake.

Once I had sat down and was about to take a bite I felt my phone vibrate from the pocket on my butt. I grabbed my phone and turned it on to see a text from Lulen.

This child:
Alright that's fine, but if you can hurry cause I gotta finish this thing I was doing. Be careful on your way back so that you don't trip and hurt...the groceries ;P
Jkjk I love you, don't get hurt dude~

5:32 p.m.

I chuckled a little but then responded.

I'll be there as soon as I can dude :D


As I finished my small snack, I checked the window to see how the storm was doing. It hadn't lightened up what so ever. I decided to get up and go throw away my trash before I thought of something else to do. But before I was able to reach the trash can, something got flung right in front of my face causing me to stumble back a little.

I spun my head around to see a young female standing with her arm extended and her eyes glaring a harsh gaze towards me. Her friends looked at her confused by her sudden action and tried calming her down. She didn't listen to them but kept her eyes locked with mine. With a quick move, she ran towards me and tackled me to the ground.

"What the heck! What are you doing!?" I yelped as she tried hitting me. I quickly grabbed her wrists so she couldn't maneuver. Her friends instantly ran over and helped get her off me.

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