Uncle Pepper

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Some drink to remember,

Some drink to forget,

That sun of  gun uncle

lives on in our hearts.

Its hard to believe

How the time flies

And that it may be the

last time you say good bye

Never forget to tell them

How much you love them.

There might be a time

when their idiotic grin

no longer brightens a room

there might be a time

when it all ends and

you give them a last hug

you thought there'd be another

but all you'll do

is let the tears flow,

a river of sorrow

when they are no more

always tell them how

much they mean to you

who cares what society thinks

love like there is no tomorrow

RIP Uncle Pepper, no one loved as much as you did, was there as fast as you were, and was cared by hundreds of people. I'll never forget you, in my heart always, I love you so much, and I know you loved me too. The last time we spoke you held me in your arms, bearhug pepper style, and told me how much you loved me and how proud you were of me.I never thought it was the last time I'd say goodbye

My uncle died a month and a half ago... and i just got back to writing, it seemed proper to give a tribute to my favorite uncle :)

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