It's Too Late: 8

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Aicee POV...

I am currently watching horror movie right now, entitled The Eye. Of course I am with my siblings.

And when the movie got started I started too to got annoyed because of my sisters and brother.

They laughing, even the movie is too creepy.

And the worst part of it is, they are looking to their cellphone and then start to laugh . While laughing, they going to look at me then start to laugh so loud.

Seriously? What is their problem?

Is there something funny?

I suddenly look at my big sister who laugh so loud right now.

And she is looking at her phone too.

So I think ,they are laughing on the same thing.

The only question is , what is it?

Arghh!!! I stand up from my seat.
I can't help this moment , yes I feel that I am the reason why they are laughing.

I just want to find out what is it but..

What should I do?

They all look at me when I stand up.

There evil grin didn't fade on their face.

And it's made me more annoyed.

I walk out and go in to my room.

I slam the door close so hard.


I tweak my own hair , they really insane.


I throw myself on the top of my bed and rolling and rolling .

I stop then I get my pillow.

I throw it up and when it started to fall down through me .

I punch it.


What is their problem!!!!!!

I am still punching my pillow when my phone suddenly ring on the top of my mini side table.

I get it .

Without looking on the screen and not knowing who is the caller.

I answer the call.

"Yeobosaeyo?" I greeted.

But only answer I heard from the other line is a laugh.

What the hell!!!

What is going on now?????

I put away my phone on my ear for a second to look who is my caller.

And boom its one of my best friend.

Its Janell..

What is she problem? Why is she laughing?

"What now Janell? why are you laughing like my insane siblings outside of my room?" I asked her.

"Haha! Have you already saw your video in Facebook? Haha it's so funny!" She said in the middle of laughing.


What does she mean?


What video?

As far as I remember , I didn't post any video of mine in Facebook.

What is she talking about.

I ended the call without, saying goodbye to her.

I put down my phone at my bed, then I stand up .

I walk close to my study table and sit there.

I open my laptop, then I log in to my Facebook.

My eyes getting wider when I saw a video of mine.

It was taken earlier, when I am in the kitchen and quietly walking near go to the cookies that my sister baked. I saw too my face have a lot of craft and piece of cookies.

Oh my gosh....

My older sister Aimee uploaded it.


What does she thinking????

I saw the comment of my mother about in my video.

Your so greedy my second daughter, I can't help it but to laugh ..

That is the comment , and take note with an emoji .

I scroll down and I saw a lot of comments.

And their all enjoy it..

I close my laptop hard!!!!

I stand up and walk out of my room .

I saw my three siblings.

Our eyes met but they abstain their gaze.

I walk so fast out of our house.

I don't know where I will go , but I want to be alone.

Its so fucking bullshit.

They make fun of me.

Where is the justice there!!!

I don't know where I am, I just walk and walk.

I don't know where my foot will bring me .

Actually I am not that mad, I am just sullen for what they did.

They consensus to make me become funny.



Ainee POV....

It is so funny.

I know Aicee is mad now , but I can't help but to laugh.

She so funny.

I am the one who think that idea.

I told Unnie Aimee to take a video of Aicee .

And as what I expected, it was effective.

And the most happy is her crush Lean commented her video.

Anyway let me introduce my self...

My name is Ainee Montes, younger sister of Aicee.

I used to call her with her name , I don't want to call her big sister.

And I don't know why I did that.

I always fight her even thou she didn't fight me back.

I know it so shit, and so unrespectful.

But I don't want to call her big sister.

I hate her personality.

She so nice even the people on her surrounding use her for their own happiness.

I hate her being smart and talented.

It's like she can do everything.

I hate her exciting but I love her.

I don't know why I feel it.

Its like I am insecure to her.

And I am happy when I saw her suffering.


Maybe we should say sorry to her.


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