Chapter 2

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Paris's Point of View

I feel worried yet relieved I got to tell Joanna the truth about my identity. I'm just scared if we become close friends she will get used to being around the camera. I don't want to change her. I finally got a true and normal friend who isn't famous!

Maybe I should have waited a little longer....... Joanna is just staring at me with a huge grin. It's starting to creep me out.

"Ummm so I think I should go" I say as I stand up and walk to the door. Joanna house is nice. It's exactly how a house would be unlike me where I live is a mansion that constantly reminds me that ill never be just a normal person.

"No don't go" said Joanna. "It's ok...... I understand why you hid your identity from me. I just never thought I would meet you!!! OMG !!!!" Says Joanna almost screaming.

I laugh. "It's ok I'm just like you. Just that I'm MJs daughter. I was actually surprised to know that an MJ fan didn't recognize me!" I said. "I knew I had seen you before somewhere but I just couldn't remember where!" Joanna said basically shouting! "Frankie I mean Paris! can I get your autograph!!" Joanna says with a smile!

"Joanna you already have my number!" I said laughing

" Well now that explains all the cameras that were outside. I promise I'll keep your identity a secret ok? You can trust me. I'm still a little..... OMG I can't think strait! MJs my living room..... Ok sorry I'll stop freaking out now." She says. I laugh. "It's ok. I'm just glad you still want to be my friend and that you forgave me for keeping that secret from you" I say

Joanna's Point of View

Paris..... Just..... Left!!! OMG OMG OMG!!! #fangirling like LOL!! Hahaha! Ok Joanna calm down!

The doorbell then rings and takes me away from my thoughts.

"Where is she!" A boy I have never even seen in my life, just comes into my house screaming!

"Dude who the hell are you?" I've seen this guy before! Wait a minute....OMG! "OMG dude!!! No way!......your your...."

"Yea....yea! I know who I am!" Prince Jackson screams. Wow two famous people in one day! Joanna has some boxes to check off on her bucket list!! Wait why am I thinking in third person?......

"Hello?? Did you hear me? Where is she?" Wow this dude is not as nice I thought he would be in person.

"Ummm.... Sorry. She left a few minutes ago." I say as calmly as I can. I'm about to scream at him for just coming in my house like a maniac but I decide to keep the harsh words to myself.

"No! She couldn't have left! Cameras are all over the place! She needs to be in a zone away from all the fame! Ugh! I knew I shouldn't have let my grandma bring her to another town..." His voice has decreased much and is now like a whisper. He seemed to want to express what he's feeling but suddenly remembered who he was talking to.

"Umm well I can help you look for her..... If you want me to. Or if your gonna keep screaming at me like how you did when you came in, then I'd rather not help....."

"Joanna I'm sorry..... It's that it's good for my sister to stay away from all the attention. She hasn't been herself lately." He said as he walked towards the door.

"How do you know my name?" Paris either told him or I have gotten myself some creepy stalker.....

"Oh... Paris has told me a lot about you. I appreciate you being kind to my sister. It's hard for her to make friends." He smirks as if he's remembering something from the past. "I should get going. And sorry for the rude enterance, I'm just worried about her since cameras now know where we are. If the school starts to give her problems then we might have to move..." He says with a slight frown.

"Oh, well... I hope she feels at home here. This is usually a very quiet neighborhood." A smile slowly creeps on my face as he almost trips on a step out the door.

"Woah that was close! Anyway, nice to finally meet you in person Joanna. See you around. Oh by the way just call me prince or p or i don't know whatever is easy remember." He says with a smile.

"Got it. See you later p!" I scream as he walks across the street.

"Ok never mind! Just call me Prince!" He screams from the other side. I shake my head and shut the door.


"Joanna come down here!" Aw great. My annoying brother is up.

"Dude what do want from my life!" I say as sad as possible.

"Hey so..... You know that new girl at school? Well... The new girl in town? Her name is Frankie. I think I've seen you talking to her?" Aw great. Now he is judging my friends like he always does!

"Yea what about her?" I scream at his face. This dude is wasting my time! I have a very important mission right now! I'm trying to watch the fosters! It's the best tv show ever and I'm not gonna let my brother take my time away and ruin it!!!

"Sorry... Wow clam down! Are you in that time of the month again?" He says with a smirk.

"Ewwww!!! No! And I told you to not talk to me about that! So what do you want to know about Frankie?" He can not get worse!

"So yea umm, doesn't she seem a bit weird to you? Like just...... I don't know..... Stay away from her." He says as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

"Dude, I can be friends with who I want. I don't judge your friends!" I'm like really trying to not explode in front of his face so mom can't get mad at us for another fight.

"I just don't want my little sister hanging out with my girl friend.... That's all." Aw thank god! I can now go and finish my show! I start to nod and walk away and then I realize what he just said.......

"Wait wait wait wait wait...... What THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY!?!?!" I think this May have been the most shocking moment in my entire life. "I think I just threw up a little in my mouth so I'm gonna go to the bath room....."

I walk away from the smirk he has on his face. I am puzzled and the most confused person in the world right now.

HI MY READERS!! I'm so sorry for not updating when I said I was going to update! But I had a math test today and I'm pretty sure I failed it but YOLO! So anyway I am sad cause of that stupid math!!! But anyway writing here makes me happy! I hope this update made u guys happy too! I love you all! Keep reading! And vote! Also PLEASE PLACE COMMENTS!! I wanna know what you guys think!! Well bye!

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