Chapter 1

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Many times in life, people never cherish the things that are beside them. And that is because the things they yearn to gain blocks their entire line of sight. However, despite its small presence, when it is lost forever, the person suddenly realises just how big of a void it used to fill. And only then, do they realise that they are left with the one option, and that is to cherish it from afar, with only the regrets to fill its empty space.

It was faster than lightning, they were arguing in the car again while driving home when suddenly, a streak of blinding lightning that stroke the ground, accompanied by horrifying claps of roars that temporarily blinded the couple in the car. It caused shrieks to echo throughout the sky as the driver jammed the car break abruptly, slamming into the tree that snapped at the trunk, collapsing and crushing the car that held the couple. And just like that, one precious life was lost on that fateful day. The shrieking cry of the lucky living human in the car could only be described as pain and death. But sadly, the shriek was drowned out by the rain, and so was the soul that was lost...

Three years later, a man was walking along the cherry blossom road, on his way home from work. He had a full black suit completed with a black suit case. His mysterious demeanour made females around him fall in love and males felt at awe every time he was at work. But he cared for none as he continued his lonely way home, tired and just ready to drop dead. He passed by the waters of the lake and decided to get off his track for awhile. He sat down on the wood bench, peering into the wide and vast lake that resembled an ocean more than a lake. As he was breathing in the entire scene, another man sat beside him. "Yo." Kuroo turned his head, away from the breath-taking scenery to face the, just as breath-taking, if not more so, stranger, that ironically was no stranger, who sat beside him. "T—" The blonde smiled, quick to place his long cold finger on Kuroo's lips, speaking in hushed gentle tones, "Shush, it's not your turn to speak yet. Let's enjoy the scenery together. In peace." The strange man turned his head to face the lake, letting his hand drop back to his side. Wordlessly, Kuroo complied. His finger was icy cold, and it left tingles on his warm lips. As the two stared into the depths of the vast ocean-like lake, the peace was heavenly and neither dared to break it. Until the burning question that was racing within his mind forced Kuroo to break the holy silence. Impatiently, he spat it out, "Are you real?" The man beside him burst out laughing. Ah, that laugh. It was more beautiful than any other sound in the world. "That depends on what your definition of real is. I could be real to me, but I could be an illusion to you." Unsatisfied, but knowing that he would not be able to ask a second question, Kuroo kept his mouth zipped and continued to wordlessly stare at the peaceful scene. It seemed that nothing could go into his brain, except that he had found a new love.

  It had been a week since that day, and he had not seen the stranger since then. He was beginning to wonder if he was just dreaming. Perhaps he was simply too tired that day. But then, just as he was ready to convince himself he was hallucinating, the stranger had appeared once again in front of him as he was slurping on his cold noodles. He choked and coughed but the blonde stranger only stared at him in amusement, pushing his spectacles up as he enjoyed watching the man suffering who nearly met his death by noodles. "Is that how you greet all your friends Kuroo?" Kuroo growled, coughing a final time to clear his throat as he straightened his back. "It was all because of you, that's why I even choked in the first place damn it." The man feigned shock, placing a hand on his heart and faking an incredibly convincing, "Oh really? How was I not aware of such a thing?" He ended with a sneer and a chuckle that rewarded him with an animalistic growl. The man bit and chewed his lower lip, leaning in just a few centimetres away from Kuroo's ear, whispering sweet words of lust, "I love that growl, and I would love to bathe in it, Kuroo." The other man groaned, grumbling out as he reasoned that he was currently eating his dinner. Kuroo did not want to entertain anyone when he was eating, especially in public areas. The man placed a hand on his arm. Kuroo emptied his bowl of noodles. The man played with the little ends of his hair. Kuroo paid for the food and prepared to leave. The man stood up. Kuroo left the restaurant and began his track back home. The man hugged him from behind. Kuroo stopped in his tracks.

  Underneath the moonlight, the couple stood alone on the empty road that led to a children's playground. "I... didn't mean to leave you." Kuroo clenched his fists. 'What did he mean?' 'What is he talking about?' 'I don't understand.' They were meant to roll around and cause havoc in his mind, but strangely, he was blank. He was always blank when he was with the other man. And he despised it. But he could do nothing. The only thing he could feel was the cold embrace of the other man and the tears that slowly but surely began to soak through his shirt as he stared up to the moon. Wishing, just wishing to know what it was that he was missing.

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