One Week After Tatum Was Found

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Tatum Grace

I lay in my hospital bed as my brothers and mother sat near me. My brothers in the corner, my mom right beside me. They hadn't left my side since I had been found. That awful man, Skip, was arrested hours after I was found. I would probably have to testify maybe but my uncle thinks there is enough evidence for me not too. I heard a knock on my door, "Come in." My mom said smiling. I expected it to be nurses or doctors or a cop but it was Reedan. He walked in slowly as my mom stood up and hugged him. "We will give you a minute alone." Mom said before mouthing i love you. My brothers hesitated before she practically dragged them out the door. "Hey." He said smiling as he sat in the chair my mom had just left. "Hey. Thanks for not giving up and for finding me. They all told me what you did for me." He shook his head and looked down at me. "It was eleven months Reed. Everyone except my mom, my brothers, and you gave up. Thank you for not giving up on me." "Tatum Grace I could never give up on you." He said as I looked down at my hands. "Im different." I said as he shook his head again. "I know Tate but it will be okay. I will be right here all the way through i promise. And i hope you don't mind but there are two visitors who hid in my truck just so they could see you, but only if your up to it." i nodded smiling. "Yes. Of course." He walked to the door and opened it letting two boys run in excited beyond recognition. They had both gotten big since I last saw them. "Ryder, Nathan." I held my arms open as they jumped up and hugged me. "Your hurt." Ryder said after he lay against my chest looking up at my bruised face. "Yeah but I will get better." I said as Nathan curled against my side while Reedan held my hand. "Where did you go? Reedan and them said we were too young." Nathan said rolling his eyes. "Well I won't go back okay? I will stay with my favorite guys as long as I can. That's all that matters right?" "Right." Nathan said as I looked over at Ryder's eyes who were filling with tears already. "Don't leave me ever agian please." He cried into my chest as I hugged him close. "I won't I promise." "You'll marry Reedan right? So i can see you whenever I want." He looked up still crying as I smiled and chuckled at his innocence while Reedan smiled sweetly. "Rather I marry him or not you can see me whenever you want. Both of you guys." I said as Reedan smiled. "It does sound pretty nice." He winked as I silently thanked him for bringing them. My mom and brothers returned not long after Ryder fell asleep. "Hey you wouldn't let me get in your bed." Blake said as I shook my head. "He's six not twenty-four." I said as Victoria and Bailey walked in with my nephews and a baby. Victoria has been married to Matt for eight years now. They have two boys Tyson who is 7 and Jonathan who is 5. Bailey and Blake have been married for four years and im guessing have two kids now. Devon who is 3 and a baby in pink. The baby couldn't have been older than a few months if that. "Hey." They both said as my nephews came and gave me a quick hug before trying to engulf Nathan in a shooting game they were playing. "Wanna hold her?" Bailey asked holding the pink bundle. I nodded and held her with the only other arm I had since Reedan slept soundly in the other one. "We named her Marie Grace Dixon. After you." Blake said looking over my shoulder at his baby girl. I wonder if my dad did that with everyone who held me. I felt a bit crowded in the small room but that was something I would have to get over after being alone for so long. My family was an active family and a together family and a very big Christian faith believer. I looked out the window at the sky quickly as I thanked God for allowing me to come home to them again. Then I looked down at the dark curly haired baby who slept soundly in my arm. I looked around at my family knowing I was a totally different person than when I was taken but silently believing that it would be okay. Sure I would cry and be angry and sad and depressed but there is always light at the end of a tunnel unless you've went down a dead end but if I have gotten this far, dead ends aren't an option. I've overcame so much that I can't give up, these people are the reason I kept going and i owed them everything for that. I definitely owed God more than I could ever repay him because once again he camp through and saved me just when I thought that I couldn't be saved.

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