Six Months Later

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Tatum Grace

I lay in my bed as Reedan lay beside me. This was the first time we had been truly alone since he found me. We lay in my bed not touching or moving or speaking just yet, just thinking. About life and all we have been through together. When I found about Shane I was a bit hurt and disappointed but relieved. I no longer had that ball and chain of guilt or falling back to him, I knew I was done before I got out of that place-that house. But he had been done before me and that was okay. He apologized and now we keep our distance from each other for the most part. I only really talk to my family, Henry, and Reedan, and Reedan's family. Im no longer the really outgoing girl I was before my dad died or even the outgoing yet detached girl after my dad died. Now im just detached but I will get there one day. Im stronger than I was before though. Wiser too. Im not really sure why it happened to me or why he chose me but it doesn't really matter anymore because im surrounded by people i love. People who are loyal to me til the end. People who would die for me. People who i would die for. People who I survived for. But what would my father think? Would he be happy even though I wasn't the same girl? Would he be okay with that? What would happen? "He's proud of you." Reedan said as I inhaled and exhaled before looking at Reedan and kissing his lips before looking back up at the ceiling. "Thank you my Reedan." We had been in a relationship for a month now and it is best for the both of us. We need each other and love each other more than we have realized. There's just something about life that seems to throw curve balls and I have missed plenty. But becoming Reedan's best friend and now girlfriend was one of my best home runs.

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