Day 18 of Tatum Missing (Part 2)

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Tatum Grace

"You lied." He yelled punching my cheek. "What?" I cried holding my face and bloody lip. "You said your name was Emma York. It's not. I ran into your little friend, Elijah, except his name is Reedan. How dare you lie to me? Oh Tatum Grace. Tatum Grace it's so pretty, your so pretty. What else did you lie about? And I swear if you lie about anything else, because I will know, then I will kill your best friend and I will find your family and do the same to them while you watch and then I will kill you." He held up a missing persons flyer with a picture of me staring back at me. Reedan's arms were linked around my shoulders as I turned my head to the side facing my mom as I smiled. He had been cut out of the picture but I knew that picture so well I could almost see it sliding off the page. I shook my head in fear. He held the gun close to his side ready to shoot me if I dared to challenge him. Slowly Skip crumbled the piece of paper. "That girl is gone. You are no longer that Tatum. You hear me? No more. You lied you dumb brat." His green eyes were crazy, psychotic. I could take a chance, run for the gun, knock him down, tackle him. I have got to do something I don't know how long he will keep me alive down here. "Fine fine. What do you want to know?" I said as he smiled, there was nothing else I could think to say or do. There was no way out for me right now, any way I tried he would kill me and that would just kill my family and Reedan. If they never stopped searching, which they probably wouldn't, they would die until they found me. I couldn't just think about myself because they were the people that kept me alive. Thinking and knowing I would get to see them all if I survived this was like heaven in this hell. "Nothing." He smirked as he hit and kicked and punched me over and over again I curled into a ball instinctively protecting my abdomen. This was a daily thing. Just like him raping me. Once he got all his anger out he would leave, maybe bring me a little food but lately he'd been giving me scraps it seemed like. When I finally opened my eyes and let go of my knees he was gone. The door was locked and the room felt lonely again. At least when he was here I wasn't completely alone. He was a simple little piece of the outside world. A piece that angered yet gladdened me. I was glad that he kept me alive this long but angry because of what he has done to me. He would be back no doubt but I'm not sure how much longer I can handle this. My daddy would want me to fight to survive but I have tried escaping, he just beats me. I have tried fighting against him, he just beats me. I have tried everything and no matter what I do he beats me. The only thing I can hold onto is God. He will get me through this just like he got me through my dad's death, the only difference i had Reedan by my side. My daddy said i was a fighter. My daddy said I was stubborn. My daddy said I was smart. My daddy said I was courageous. My daddy said I could do all things through God who gave me strength. My daddy told me to look up at heaven when I needed his help so that's exactly what I did. I got on my knees and asked my God to save me and asked my daddy to help comfort me with sweet memories. My daddy said I was his girl which made me unstoppable, especially since I was a child of God.

I wiggled and wormed my way behind Reedan as my father looked down at all of us. Matt, Blake, Noah, Micah, Owen, Caleb, Shane, Reedan, and I. It was all my idea to ride to town, how was I supposed to know uncle Jack would be patrolling the area. At six and being the youngest of four boys you would think I got trampled and scarred. Well I did but they also were sweet loving and caring and when it came to my potty lip they all melted like butter in my hands. Matt was days away from getting his licence and Caleb and Owen weren't far behind. "You mean to tell me that your six year old siblings talked their way into you driving them to the diner for ice cream?" My father's voice was stern and harsh as Matt nodded. "Yes sir." Reedan, Shane, and I were thrown under the bus immediately. "Tatum Grace Marie, Shane Bryan, and Reedan Elijah get up here now!" He said as I stayed safely behind Reedan. My dad was a no nonsense type of person especially when it came to his kids. "Did you talk Matt into driving yall to the diner?" I looked up at Reedan who bravely nodded. "Yes sir. Tate really wanted ice cream. I did too." He added as I pouted. My father grabbed my chin softly. "You better stick that lip back in or you might just trip over it from poutin' so much." His country accent made me giggle as he gave me that father look. I stopped immediately and watched as the brave Matt got in trouble along with Owen and Caleb.

I laid on my stomach, my tear stained face facing the wall while Reedan lay on the other side of me. He rubbed my back and played with my hair staying quiet the whole time. We both knew why I had been crying but he is the only one who never asked me if I was okay or tried to make me feel better. He listened when I wanted to talk, talked while I needed to listen, he held me when I cried, he even cried with me. He stayed quiet because he knew that is exactly what I needed. He just twirled my hair around his fingers and rubbed my back and let me cry silently. He hugged me when I needed to be hugged and kissed my forehead when I almost cried again. He held me close as I laid my head on his chest letting tears roll down my cheeks. Then I drifted to sleep. When I woke up he was gone and from then on until I got back together with Shane he would lay next me until I fell asleep. When I woke up he was gone. When Shane I had a fight he would crawl through my bedroom window and let me sleep on his chest until I woke up and he was gone again. No matter what Reedan seemed to always know what I needed. I could never repay him for all that he has done for me.

I held my bloody temple and sat against the cold wall yet again. God I need you, please God just let someone find me. Please. I cried out as I lay against the floor. All I could do was remember memories and think about good times. My favorite memories were from when I was little and my daddy was still alive. Or ones with Reedan, us running through a field, swimming in a creek. Simple little memories like that are the ones I missed the most. But that is what drove me to keep hope. One way or another, I would get out of this place and either way I would be happy. If I lived and was found or escaped in some miraculous way I would get to go home and see my family and Reedan. I know its a long shot and my life would never be the same but at least I would be home and with people i love. I miss arguing with my brothers or humming footballs or baseballs at them when I was super angry. I miss their hugs and kisses in the school hallway, which used to make me cringe from embarrassment, which is why they did it more and every single split second chance they could. I would have just finished junior year if this idiot hadn't kidnapped me. I miss Reedan's smiles and hugs and laughs. I miss spending every day with him. I miss him playing with my hair or hugging me while twirling in a circle. I miss him holding my hand when I needed a friend. I miss him hiding my face in his shoulder, neck, or chest during a really scary part in a scary movie. I miss him kissing my forehead. I miss going to sleep on his chest. I miss waking up to his smell on my pillow even though he was long gone. I miss going to the creek with him. I miss throwing the baseball with him. I miss throwing the football with him. I miss speeding down the dirt roads hanging on his back or him holding onto mine. I miss going to my church and ironically going to school. I miss being outside everyday. I miss the smell of spring and the coolness of fall. I miss the heat from summer and the snow from winter, when we do get snow which isn't that often. I miss waking up to mom's cooking and dad's picture beside my bed. I miss movie nights with my mom. I miss helping her in the kitchen or baking cookies with her. I miss messing with my brothers with her. I even slightly miss Shane. I miss everything about my life. But I know if Skip kills me then I will see my daddy and I will see my Savior. I will be all of peace and tranquility. Ill get to be daddy's little girl again. I won't feel hurt or pain or sorrow or down. Ill be happy. I will get to sing, dance, draw, and walk streets of gold with my dad. I want a mansion on he outskirts of heaven just like that song. I will be able to see my first hunting dog, Peck. Ill get to meet the grandpa I never got to meet. Maybe going to heaven wouldn't be so bad yet. No not yet. I have got to get home. To Matt who can't cook to save his life. To Blake who can't aim to save his life. To Noah who can't find his way around a store to save his life. To Micah who can't do laundry to save his life. To my mom who I love dearly and who can't lose another family member. To Shane the dumb playerish ex boyfriend. To Mr. and Mrs. Jones who love to see my paintings. To Caleb, Nathan, and Ryder who love me like their own sister. And to Reedan Jones who may just be the love of my life. He is all I can think about. All I can focus on to get out of this hell. I never noticed how much I really loved him before he was gone, well I was gobe. I will get out of this place and I will get out alive. I just have to.

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