Chapter 2: To the Little Bird's Rescue

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Chapter 2- To the Little Birds Defense

“N-nice to meet you Oleander.” Briella stuttered out, catching the sage eyes of Oleander, “I'm going to be showing around for the next week.” She turned to Mr. Wallace, “Wait. He has the same schedule as me right?”

“Of course.” Mr. Wallace answered, “Now, ya’ll head out now. Take ‘im ta meet ya brotha ‘nd ‘is galfriend.”

Briella got up, beckoned Oleander to follow her, and together they left the office. They walked down the main hallway in silence until they reached the doors that led outside. Before they could take another step it swung open revealing Cameron, an angry look clouding his face as he saw Briella.

“So lil’ savior is back for another round?” he sneered at her, his blue eyes flaming, “How ‘bout we take a round without your big brother to protect you?”

He took a step towards her, but a large figure stepped in front of Bri blocking her view of Cameron’s angry face. Oleander rose to his full height of 6’ 4”, and stared down at the angry teen who dared to threaten the little beautiful odd eyed beauty.

“I believe that you are mistaken.” Oleander growled, his Irish accent prominent “because if you’re not I'm going to have to deal with you.”

The boy glances up at Oleander, “And just who do you think you are?”

“The guy who’s going to beat your little ass if you threaten Briella again.” Oleander snapped, his patience slipping, and his green eyes burning with unmatchable anger.

The boy took a step back and Briella crept around Oleander and met Cameron’s eye. Cameron glared at her and at the big Irish lad, “You won’t always have someone to protect you Briella.” he sneered, “Next time you won’t be so lucky.”

“Get out of here ya bloody bollocks.” Oleander rumbled, taking a step forward, his eyes filled with rage. Cameron’s eyes widened in fear and his already pale face lightened shade, he spun on his heel and walked away muttering profanities under his breath.

Bri let out a harsh breath she had been holding, “Thank you Oleander.” She paused, ducking her head in shame, “You didn’t need to do that. I could have handled it.”

Oleander smiled slightly down at the short girl in front of him and chewed on the hoop of his lip ring for a second. She glanced up and met his eyes for a moment, his heart lurched at the look in her beautiful heterochromic eyes, it was one of gratitude, but it held a slight tinge of fear. As if she was afraid that he would try to hurt her, in the same way as the little blonde boy.

“Hey,” he said softly, his eyes not leaving hers “Are you okay?”

Briella stared up into the Irish boy’s green eyes; the golden flecks embedded within them seemed to be glowing with concern. “I-I’m fine. We should get out there. You’ll want to meet my brother and his best friend, Delilah.”

He nodded and followed her out into the courtyard, “So how much older is your brother than you?”

“About two minutes.” She murmured, nearly silently, as they made their way through the court yard to the spot where she and her brother, along with Delilah hung around when they had free time at school. “We’re identical twins…. Aside from him being about your size and a boy anyway.”

Oleander smiled at her remark, “Can’t wait to meet your brother. Seems like he’s gonna be a good bloke. Maybe we’ll all become friends.”

Briella snorted at the dark stranger’s words, “Right. Good friends.”

Oleander winced at the sarcasm in her voice, “What? You don’t believe me?” His eyebrows knit together in confusion, What is up with this girl? He questioned silently, she’s timid, but… she’s not, and she seems so damn judgmental.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2014 ⏰

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