look what you did!

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"You scared Potter?" Draco Malfoy asked with a smirk, raising his wand, assuming first position.

"You wish." Harry replied, doing the same thing, minus the smirk.

The turned away from each other and walked a good distance away from each other.

And with the count of ten, the two shouted the first spell that came to mind.

"Changeious!" Draco shouted.

While Harry shouted: "doublio!"

Smoke filled the room. They both coughed, the smoke soon cleared out. When the two saw each other both jaws dropped.

"What did you do?!" They shouted in usion.

"What did I do? What did you do!" Draco shouted looking down at him...or rather herself.

It seemed the spells the two casted turned them the opposite genders. So they were now both girls.

"What spell did you cast?" Harry asked.

"I dunno! Some spell I read about before I came here." Draco admited

Harry sighed "we need to fix this."

"How?" Draco asked.

"Hermione." Harry replied

"Granger?! Oh no-" Draco was interrupted

"Do you want to stay like this forever?!" She asked.

"No.." Draco looked away, crossing his arms

With that Draco was dragged up to the eighth year common room.

"Oh Harry your-whaaa..?" Hermione asked as they walked in. He wasn't sure if it was because of appearance or because of Draco being so close behind Harry. 

"Oh Harrys baaaaa-What happened?!" Ron asked, coming from the boys dorms.

"Well this one here." Harry pointed to Draco "casted a spell he knew nothing about!"

"Sounds familiar." Hermione said.

"Okay, stop. But no this is serious. How do we reverse this?"

"What spell was it?" She asked

"Changeious." Draco responded

"What spell did you use Harry?" Hermione questioned, writting on a small piece of parchment from the table beside her.


"So you used a charm that would cause what ever he did to you, it would happen to him as well." Hermione said.

"So this was your fualt!" Draco turned to Harry.

"You didn't even know the spell you were casting so shut it!" Harry yelled.

"Okay shut it both of You! We have to tell professor McGongall." Hermione said.

"No we are not!" Draco said

"We have to!" Hermione protested.

"Why?" Draco crossed his arms.

"Because you can't go up to the boys dormitory looking like that! Unless you want to sleep in the boys dormitory."  She said

"I'll just sleep here." Harry said

"Harry we have dorms for a reason." Hermione said.

"Then change us back." Draco demanded

"I can't...I'll  have to do a bit of research... I have no idea what spell you used." She confessed. "But maybe Professor McGongall might."

It took a bit of persuasion but Hermione ended up leading the two to Professor McGongall's office.

look what you did! (Genderbent! Drarry AU) Where stories live. Discover now