over due apologies

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The days went on, Hariet didn't talk to Darcie, and very little to Ron, and Hermione. When she did, it was short.

The most she had said to either of them was "past the potatoes." All because Ron had told her that she should try to get along with Darcie.

One night they managed to corner her after dinner before she went into her shared dorm.

"We need to talk." Hermione said

"About?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow

"You've barely said a word to us, what's going on?" Ron asked.

"Nothing." She responded, starting to walk the other way. But Hermione grabbed her wrist

"Is this about getting along with Malfoy? Because if it is your acting immature about the whole thing! You two have been at each others throats since first year, it's getting old!" Hermione said.

"So you've just forgotten about the war? Even before the war? What she said, what she did?" She questioned.

"No, but we both know he didn't want any of that to happen, she was forced! You know that! You should at least try and get along till I can find away to change you two back!" Hermione lectured.

This was true, Hariet knew Malfoy was innocent, she knew that she didn't want to be a Death Eater. She knew the moment that she didn't give them away during their time at the Malfoy manner.

"Your right...I'm being ridiculous..I guess I could try and get along with Malfoy. But don't blame me when it doesn't work." Hariet said.

Hermione smiled "Good."

Instead of going back to the shared dorm, she followed Ron and Hermione into the regular eighth year common room to do home work. When they arrived there were some whispers and looks. Hariet ignored them and sat by the fire with Ron and Hermione.

Moments later, things got quiet when the door slammed shut. Everyone turned to see a closed door. Things were quiet a little bit after, people trying to figure out who left and then Hariet caught a group of Sytherins in the corner, not just any Sytherin, Darcie's friends. So many questions went through her mind at once, but she managed to push them aside and continue to work on her potions essay.

By the time Hariet was half way done, it was almost curfew. She had to quickly gather up her things and run up to ninth floor corridor. It was hard to see in the dark, the only light was what came through the windows. And there wasn't that many. Now that she could get a good look at the corridor, it seemed kinda creepy, but in nostalgic kinda way. It reminded her of when she, Hermione and Ron would sneak out of  Gryffindor tower to go visit Hagrid. Or the time they went to search for the sorcerers stone.

It seemed as though shadows of memories danced along the walls, illuminated by the moon light and Hariets mind.

She soon snapped out of it, finding the door that led to the dorm. She whispered the password, the door slowly opened. As she entered she thought she heard soft sobbing, but when she tried to listen closer, it stopped. She furrowed her eyebrows, walking further into the room. The only thing illuminating the room was the fire that danced in the fire place.

"Malfoy? Are you in here?" Hariet called out.

Suddenly Darcie's head popped out from between the curtains of her four poster

"What do you want Potter?" She sat.

Hariet swallowed, remembering the words Ron and Hermione said earlier.

"I think we should talk." She finally said, setting her bag down beside one of the cushy arm chairs by the fire.

There was a silence in the room. Darcie blinked, she retreated back into the curtains of the four poster. Hariet sighed, flopping down in the chair that her bag was beside, she was starting to lose hope that they would ever have a civil conversation when Darcie remerged moments later, looking composed.

"Why all the sudden do you want to talk to me?" She questioned, sitting in the chair opposite of Hariet and crossing her legs and resting her elbows in either of the two arm rests and intertwining her fingers.

"Well..I've been doing some thinking, and I had a talk with Hermione and Ron today...and well.." She took in a deep breath "we've hated each other since first year. Our little rivalry has been going on for eight years. And I think...we should...we could...how do I say this....umm, start over?" She proposed.

"So what? After seven years in this place, of all the hatred we both have shared, you decided all the sudden to be the bigger person and propose we 'start over?' Really? Your not joking? You not going to lure me in on a false sense of security and then do something horrible as so revenge plot for all the horrible things I did to you and your little friends? How do I know I can trust you?" She questioned.

Hariet didn't expect this...actually she didn't know what to expect...it was certainly not This! This revealed a whole new side to Darcie. Instead of the tuff, stuck up ego she usually projected this showed a side of insecurity and fear. Something Hariet thought she never see on Malfoy's face ever again.

She stood up and walked over to Darcie, extending her hand. "This is how. If you shake my hand right now, it will signify that every thing from the past is forgiven...on my part. Everything you did to me, and me alone is forgiven." She said. "But you need to forgive me as well."

Darcie looked up at her, curiosity  filled her eyes, and maybe a tad bit of hope and she too extended a shaky hand, grasping Hariet's hand and shaking it. "Alright. But know, I am truly sorry, for all the horrible things I did and said...to be honest...I ment none of them...I guess I was just jealous that everyone else got to enjoy your friendship but me...when you didn't shake my hand..I was so angry. So I became my father." She apologized.

"And I'm sorry for the whole sectrumsempra thing...I honestly didn't know what it was...i thought it would just hang you up by your ankles." Hariet said.

The two smiled at each other. All the sudden the stuff, uncomfortable hate filled feel of the room faded and it became a slightly more comfortable atmosphere. Darcie found her self staring into Hariet's magnificent emerald green eyes. They were so full of life. The light from the fire made them twinkle in the dimly light room.

Hariet found herself doing the same thing. Darcie's eyes were full of new found hope and a slight bit of happiness.

The two stayed like this for a bit, not realising it. A small blush spread on each of the two's cheeks, their hands still in mind shake.

"I have potions homework to finish!" Hariet suddenly remembered as they broke apart.

"Oh yeah, right..." Darcie said, turning away, covering her face with her hands.

The rest of the night was filled with comfortable silence as Hariet finished her potions essay.

To be continued..


Yay! Another chapter! I wanna make these chapters semi long so they might take a bit longer. But new one shot coming soon! Okay bye!


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