Chapter Four

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The next morning, Y/N awoke the feeling of her pillow being whipped out from under her head. Before she could process the cause behind that, she found herself being assaulted by the same thick pillow. The teenager hissed and raised her hands over her head, annoyed by the cushion being repeatedly smacked into her. After a few moments the rough, yet gentle attack ended and she felt a calloused hand atop her bed head.

"Up kid, you overslept."

She squinted, struggling to see through her sleep blurry e/c eyes. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of her annoyed father. He was dressed for the day and his hair was brushed for once, though he needed a haircut considering his h/c hair was tufting out at the sides uncovered by his usual hat. With one final wack over the head with the pillow, he dropped it onto her lap and grumbled on his way out of his daughter's room.

Y/N groaned from the feeling of an oncoming headrush as she sat up; jumping when she heard her father's rough voice once more, this time echoing from the hallway.

"If you fall back asleep, your ass is gonna be sorry when it's thoroughly introduced to my hand!"

She smirked at the condescending, yet teasing tone to his voice. Y/N steadily stood up, fighting the headrush as she shouted back in response.

"I think that counts as abuse nowadays dad!"

The eerie silence that followed was a sign that Y/N should've keep her mouth shut. In fear of agitating her father to the point of being tickled to death, she stumbled to her bathroom and struggled to strip off her pajamas.

By the time she finished in the bathroom, it was almost seven and school started at seven fifteen. She current wore her usual worn down converse, mid thigh shorts, and a tight tank top. Y/N glanced at herself in the mirror, appalled by how unusually attractive she looked. She shrugged, having come across days that she looked good for once.

Out of habit, she tucked a strand of h/c hair behind her ear and picked her phone up from the counter; tapping the screen to check the time. She groaned and jammed the device in her pocket, annoyed by how late she was. As she was jogging out of her room, she noticed that her room seemed different. Her dresser had been moved to the other side of the room and all the drawers were open. Y/N frowned and walked towards the furniture; checking the drawers once she neared.

Everything was still there, just pushed around a little bit. She wouldn't have cared, except for the fact that her photo book was missing. Y/N's e/c eyes widened in horror and she desperately flung herself to the carpeted floor, searching underneath the dresser in a vain attempt to check if it had fallen behind the furniture. Her heart sunk when she saw nothing beneath or behind the old dresser. She slammed her fists down onto the plush carpeted floor and shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Dad! Did you move my photo book? I have important shit in there!"

Her father yelled back, obviously annoyed by her snappy tone and foul word use.

"No, I didn't! Watch your snappy mouth!"

Y/N cursed silently under her breath before pushing herself off the carpet and onto her knees. She suddenly remembered the time and decided she would have to search for her precious keepsake later. The h/c haired teen jumped to her feet with the support of her palms before grabbing her backpack; hanging from the hook on the back of her bedroom door. She thundered down the stair in a clear hurry, ignoring Winston's annoying yapping.

She ran to the kitchen and opened the fridge; grabbing the two closest things to breakfast. Y/N settled on a bottle of orange juice and bag of apple slices. She closed the door shut after jamming her apple slices into her backpack, basking in the frosty gust of air as it faded when the door swung shut. Y/N swung her bag back onto her shoulder and ran to the front door with the speed of an athlete.

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