Chapter Nine

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Y/N strode unsteadily through the groundbridge into her garage, nearly falling over from the sudden weightless feeling in her legs. Cringing, the teenager all but stumbled over to her dad's garage desk, leaning over it as she waited for the uncomfortable feeling to ebb away. Too distracted by her small predicament, Y/N failed to notice Orion awkwardly shuffle out of the groundbridge and sit in the middle of the garage. It was barely big enough for him, even when he was crouching with his helm ducked.

When the seventeen year old gained her perception back, she spun shakily on her heels and leaned against the desk, watching Orion. His optics casted a dim glow across his metallic features and the walls of the cement room as he looked around. When Y/N cleared her throat after a moment, the noise surprised the Autobot and resulted in him hitting his helm on the ceiling. Little specks of cement and wood rained down from the ceiling in a small amount as Orion rested a servo atop his massive metal head and pouted, the look on his face making Y/N laugh aloud.

The amusing moment was interrupted by the sound of her father's angry tone, which was muffled by the thick walls of the garage.

"Y/N! Are you home?"

After cursing under her breath and motioning for Orion to be silent, she responded skittishly.

"Yeah! I threw my backpack on the desk and it knocked something over, sorry!"

The following silence made the young adult's stomach knot up nervously. Whenever her dad didn't add some input or a sound of acknowledgement, it usually meant he was in a foul mood. Normally, Y/N would've just stopped what she was doing and immediately go find him, but she was preoccupied with the task of concealing her somewhat 'guardian'. Before she could speak or reassure the no doubt nervous mech, the sound of angry footsteps from the hall rapidly increased in volume.

"Shit shit shit shit-"

Y/N recited under he breath before she glanced at Orion, who had an immensely panicked expression on his marred metal features. For a massive alien being that could most definitely defend himself, he was kind of a giant baby. Leaving the poor Autobot to his own freaked out state, the h/c haired woman raced to the other side of the garage, scrambling to find something that could cover him. With a grunt, Y/N yanked out a large blue tarp from behind some old parts.

"Here, Put this on and be very fucking quiet!"

She hissed indignantly to Orion as he shakily took the massive sheet from her. Quickly, the mech threw it over himself and with a loud combination of whirring and hissing, compacted himself into his vehicle form, yet Y/N had no knowledge of the transformation. Just in time too, her father had slammed open the door and stormed up to her. Giving the edgy Y/N a sharp smack upside her head, Mr. L/N started an unusual rant.

"Y/N M/N L/N! What is up your ass today? First, I go to wake you up and surprise! Guess who snuck out? Then I just do all your chores and get a call saying that you've been called in sick! Do you know how fucking worried I was? Huh?!"

Y/N hid any sign of teenage snottiness as she rubbed her head; shameful. When he paused dangerously for an answer, Y/N complied timidly.

"I... Uh... Did you find my note...?"

Well, that did it. Watching in horror as her father's face turned a mixture of red and purple, she prepared for another round of yelling.

"Your note! Oh, how I forgot to mention it. All it said was, 'I'm going out, I'll be back tonight.' Not much to go off of Y/N, not FUCKING much!"

His rather aggressive response caused the 'tarp' on the other side of the garage to tremble. The sudden yet subtle movement caught her father's eye and he remained deathly silent as he stared at the blue cover. Trying hard to hide her extreme fear of being caught harboring the once leader of an ancient species from space. Her dad casted her a dangerous look before slowly walking over to the tarp. Unable to watch the no doubt horrible scene about to unfold, Y/N turned her head away and covered her face with her slender fingers.

When the flutter of the tarp echoed around the garage, the young h/c haired woman held her breath and squeezed her e/c eyes shut tightly. The only thing that convinced to her to face the music, was her fathers stiff tone that was rigidly calm. What a minute, calm...?

"Y/N, what is this?"

Swallowing hard, Y/N turned to face him and felt a wave of relief at the sight in front of her. With a slightly amused tone to her voice, she responded with a tiny smile.

"Uh... a semi truck?"

Never had she been more grateful to see a sudden passionate smile stretch across her father's features. No matter how angry he could be at her, nothing could cloud his love for vehicles.

'Bless you Orion, god fucking bless you to the brightest skies.'

Y/N thought relievedly as her father continued to examine the mech in disguise's rather intricate design. If she was being honest, his vehicle mode really, really earned positivity points from her. The comfortable silence was only broken when her dad suddenly spun around and beamed at her.

"Is it yours? Where'd you get it? And you can definitely keep it-"

Laughing, Y/N responded as she waved her hands at him.

"Woah, woah! Slow down there, it's my... friend's truck. I'm keeping it for him while he's away for awhile."

Her father nodded in response, taking another long appreciative look at the red and blue semi. Instead of saying goodbye or making a positive comment, her simply patted Y/N on the back and strolled out of the garage. Obviously their predicament from before had been forgotten, luckily for the seventeen year old. As soon as the garage door clicked shut, Orion immediately shifted back into his bipedal form.

With another relieved laugh, Y/N walked up to the maroon and cobalt mech. Lazily, she flopped onto his ped, smiling up at his confused yet intrigued face.

"That was a close call, good job, and be sure to hide whenever you think he's coming."

Orion nodded in response, affirming that he completely and willingly understood. Y/N remained stretched over his metallic appendage for a moment longer, not noticing the rather... absorbed stare he was giving her. Grunting, she finally stood up and walked back over to the desk nestled in the corner of the cement room. Sliding the bag across her shoulders, she strolled over to the other side of the garage and prepared to open the door. What stopped her was Orion suddenly speaking, a worried tone in his voice.

"Wait, do you plan to... leave me?"

Frowning, Y/N turned back to face him and replied.

"...Yes? I kind of have some work to do-"

The moment she responded, the mech abruptly covered the door in front of her with his massive metal servo. Surprised, she took a few steps back and stared at his appendage as he spoke.

"... Please do not go, I do not wish to be in here... unaccompanied."

With an annoyed groan, the h/c haired teenager threw her backpack onto the desk once more and dragged out the chair before plopping down in it. Relaxed by the fact that she chose to stay, Orion lifted his servo away from the door and shuffled awkwardly close behind her. Ignoring the noticeable feeling of the mech gently exhaling compressed oxygen onto her back, she pulled out one of her notebooks and began to write. Seconds after Y/N started, she was greeted by a sudden and random question from the innocent mech right behind her.

"Y/N, why do earth's homeless organics have so many children if they cannot support themselves?"

Inhaling deeply through her nose, the young woman spun slowly around in her chair to face him. With an emotionless expression harbored on her features, she curtly responded to the odd questions.

"Because sex is fun, and they have nothing better to do."

Pleased with her rather humorous response, she thought about turning around when Optimus asked another question that almost made her choke on her own saliva.

"... Sex?"

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