Chapter Five

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Y/N's panicked breathing was extremely audible as the Decepticons followed close behind; almost leisurely. Raf's grip on her hand was iron as they ran farther out into the desert in a surely vain attempt to escape the hostile robots. The heavy thumping of footsteps echoed around the open desert behind the two students as they ran; both breathing hard by now. Y/N had no idea what was going on was having a hard time keeping her shit together, unlike Raf.

He suddenly switched directions; veering farther right. Y/N slid as she switched with him, slowing them down for a moment. Turns out that was a big mistake, considering one of their pursuers decided to shoot at them. Y/N's scream echoed around the desolate terrain as the Decepticon missed by mere inches, singing the tips of her h/c hair.

Raf stared in horror at the smoking spot before leading Y/N in the direction he intended. The shock in her e/c eyes was replaced by intense fear as she saw where her little buddy was leading them; to a car dump. She picked up speed and passed Raf, her grip on his hand tightening as she now tugged him along. Another shot blasted into the packed earth inches in front of them, leaving a small, smoking crater.

Y/N by now was in complete survival mode and slid around the hole, Raf sliding on the soles of his shoes behind her. Panting, the teenager raced into the front of the deserted yard; swinging Raf up over her shoulder before leaping and skimming around stray car parts. The purple robots chasing them ducked busted their way through the rusting gates, annoyed by the two humans.

Y/N slid behind an old suburban and let Raf down, sweat beading along her hairline. The youngster looked around, knowing they couldn't hide behind the small car for long. With a tone of hope, he pointed towards a dull yellow school bus that obviously hadn't been used in years.

"There! Hide behind that!"

He grabbed his friend's hand and carefully ran over to the old vehicle, avoiding the Decepticons currently hunting them. Skidding behind the prehistoric bus he released his senior's clammy hand and pulled his phone out of his pocket; his fingers flying over the tiny keyboard as he punched in the password to unlock his device. Y/N readjusted the two backpacks on either side of her shoulders and nervously glanced around; more tense than frightened at this point.
After a moment, Y/N turned back to the younger student and anxiously whispered to him.

"Whatever you're doing, you better do it faster..."

He replied by shushing her and continued to tap buttons on his phone. They both froze when suddenly the thumping footsteps of their attackers silenced; the only sound audible was their soft breathing and the quiet beeping of the buttons on Raf's phone. Y/N's hands shook in fear when a dial tone suddenly played from Raf's phone; loudly. The youngster cursed quietly and pressed attempted to turn down the volume with no luck.

The only thing they could do was sit there and pray their hunters wouldn't hear the phone's ringing. Buzz.. Buzz... was all that could be heard as the two humans pressed their backs to the old bus, horror evident on their faces. Y/N finally began to panic when she heard two slow footsteps in their direction, only for it to stop again. The seventeen year old heard a deep, garbled growl from nearby and pressed her hands to her mouth, stifling her tiny sobs.

Raf's hand suddenly clamped her knee, giving her a tight squeeze. At first the teen thought he was trying to comfort her, but when she met gazes with him he harbored a horribly scared look. Suddenly, the ringing stopped and an automatic female voice rang out from the speakers on Raf's device; loudly.

"The number you are trying to reach is currently inactive, please leave a message at the tone."

A loud beep played and the two teens were both shaking in fear. Raf flipped his phone shut with a tiny click, his hand moving to grab his babysitter's. The eerie silence continued for almost a minute, and Y/N thought about sighing in relief. Just before she could do so, there was a loud, screeching noise as the bus the were hidden behind was lifted into the air. The wind whistled as the bus soared over their heads, causing them both to scream as it smashed into the hard packed ground.

Raf continued to scream as his senior grabbed his shaking hand and raced forward, tears glistening in her frightened eyes. Loud thumping echoed behind them, urging Y/N to run faster and drag Raf along behind her. Moments later, Y/N skidded to a halt in front of a minivan with the roof smashed in; horrified as she realized they were cornered by the terrifying metalloid creatures. She spun around, her hair whipping across her right shoulder as she grabbed the younger human and pushed him behind her in a defensive position.

The two identical metal monsters slowly approached them in a menacing fashion; blasters out. Y/N turned her head to look at Raf, tears in her e/c eyes.

"If this is how it's gonna end, at least let me know who you tried to call. I need haunt their ass for not coming in time."

Raf was to scared to reply, his chocolate brown eyes fixed on the approaching assailants. One bent down while the other remained at it's full height. The crouching one outstretched it's metal fingers as it reached for them, it's expressionless metal face alarming Y/N to the point of sobbing. Just as it's slender fingers barely touched her, there was a popping sound behind the standing creature; whatever the sound was originating from casting a green glow over the two robots.

The crouching one withdrew it's servo and turned it's head, mimicking the standing one. Before the five of them could process anything, an orange and white streak crashed into the standing Decepticon; smashing the squatting one to the side and away from the two humans. The two stunned robots struggled to take in what had happened as Y/N and Raf stared at the once orange streak.

It was a pretty tall mech with broad shoulders and azure blue optics. Judging by his actions before, Y/N decided that he must be friendly. Before the teen could say anything, Raf spoke up suddenly.

"That's who I was calling."

The friendly robot spoke immediately afterwards, his mutated accent surprising the young girl.

"You bothered me for this? Ugh, get the new pain in my aft to base before the two of you get seized by Decepticons."

The rude tone in his voice agitated Y/N slightly, but she didn't argue due to the fear of the two Decepticons that were now attempting to stand up. Raf took Y/N's hand and led her around the brightly colored robot, though Y/N kept her eyes trained on him out of awe and disbelief. When she turned her head, she found the younger human leading her to a bluish green portal-like shape, the noise emitting from it making her nervous.
She dug her heels into the earth out of suspicion and nervousness when Raf attempted to lead her straight towards it.

"C'mon Y/N! Would you rather spend anymore time with Decepticons, or get to safety?"

Raf called to her, a small ways ahead of her. Before she could respond, a sound of metal colliding with metal rang in her ears. She caught a glance of the two Decepticons fighting the friendly robot; slowly gaining the advantage on the old Autobot by double teaming. The seventeen year old violently spun around and past Raf, obviously deciding on the latter choice. She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes against the bright glow of the vortex; feeling tingles down her limbs and spine along with the two backpacks thumping against her back as she ran through.

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