Chapter 3

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The people of Thaxmar were an old legend to the universe. Conceived after the earth had become aware of the other planets within the universe that didn't want to be known by the humans of earth, due to their primitive nature. Scouts had come, years ago, and of multiple times to judge the human race. They had deemed us primitive, unchanging and prejudice. I agreed. The only reason we had been accepted into their culture was their advanced firepower. The legacy of the humans race. 

Despite my Mothers distance, these stories were the one thing she had insisted on telling me. A bed time story, a legend, or a lesson. My adolescence could never decide what the story was. But out of all of them, all the other stories, The people of Thaxmar had always been the story. It fascinated me.

Once upon a time the people of Thaxmar, like most stories, lived in harmony. Their home planet had according to the legend, the greenest land which ran over mountains and hills. The place of paradise. The literal Garden of Eden. In that time their women still lived. Then, they were not treated any different then men. Despite their animalistic culture, they were still seen as equals. Then it came. The disease. We do not know what it was, only that it took hold of their women, and festered until their hearts stopped beating. One by one. As they dwindled, the males animalistic side took ahold. They isolated their women. Some were sold off like animals, some were isolated so far that they took their own lives. Whether by illness or some other way, every women from Thaxmar was dead, only a year on from the disease. Some called it a curse, to others it was a natural disaster. But it didn't matter. They were dead. And an obvious problem arose, but few could emerge from their grief to do what was necessary to survive. So their most powerful Thaxmar drew the power of the rainbow, to give power to those who had the strength to survive. But like most races, few use their power responsibly. As the delegated power wasn't given out due to moral, the most powerful, the purples, drew on their strength to control their population. Then one purple, rose from their grief. He realised that the race could only continue if they breached the comfort zones of his people and ventured into space so they can breed with other species. The elder Thaxmar, who had delegated power and led the race for centuries, realised the change this particular Thaxmar would bring, was the people of Thaxmar's future. So, he gave the Thaxmar his life-force, therefore making him the most powerful Thaxmar in existence. This made him Lilac. In Thaxmar culture, this meant power on a God-like level. His people immediately bowed down to him and those purples who resisted were easily wiped out. Their main goal was set. Find women and breed. Their ships got built, only filled with necessity's. But when they got into space, it took them too long to find women. Their animalistic nature took over, and the only way to sate it was fighting. So the sport of Sade was created. 3 levelled stadium, with 3 warriors. Despite their dwindling population, it was a fight to the death. As soon as the race found women of different species, they breeded,  whether it was of free will or not. Everyone but the lilac leader, who still mourned for his losses. Still full of sadness, he abided when women were introduced to the fight, and pronounced as a prize for the winner. His broken heart gradually came to enjoy it. The once heroic Thaxmar leader became soulless, with the only objective of continuing the Thaxmar race. Whether they deserved to survive or not.

My obsession with this chronicle drove away my friends as children. Who could like the monsters?

But, I suppose looking back on it, the main factor was my obsession with the perfect family. The need to have someone who would give their soul for their race. Their family.

My mother made sure to read a story to me each night. As a negotiator, she found cautionary tales necessary to me. She pretended it was for my well-being, but I always knew it was her prejudice against other species.

Another reason to admire the monsters. The Thaxmar.


Sorry it was so short! Yet again, I felt like I needed to update, but I had exams.

I hope you liked it. This chapter, I wanted to explore the background of the Thaxmar so the next chapter would make sense.

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