Chapter 5

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4 Months Later

I sat there watching him get up from the bed while I lay there. I grabbed a pillow and lay it lengthways and rested my head, right arm and my right knee on. He sat on the edge of the bed as I watched him grab his trousers and slide them on. Then he turned to me and ran a finger along the edge of my chin. I sighed in contentment.

Then he went into the on-sweet bathroom and rustling was heard. I turned onto my back, squirming as our recent release exited me. I let out another sigh. But this was one in... resentment? No. Annoyance? In a way. I was annoyed this had taken so long. After the attack from the Rana. They had retreated, unbeknownst to me. I could only presume this was to scare Nax and present their 'dominance' and 'authority' over the Thaxmar.

I rolled my eyes just thinking about it. He didn't seem at all worried about it. He hadn't even flinched when they falsely declared that I was engaged to their son. Although knowing my parents, I wouldn't put it past them to engage me without my knowing, despite the fact that's illegal. But powerful people could do anything they wanted.

Anyway, I knew how unemotional he was, but he hadn't even seemed stress. As if a potential invasion that could wipe out his species was the weather. I didn't care much for my own species, mainly because anyone willing to put my parents as the face of their species can't be a good people themselves. Of course I had grown up there, but my parents had been 'too good' to live with everyone else. They had to buy their own island. The only communication I had was with the staff. But even I would be at least worried.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I had just has sex with an amazingly hot Thaxmar, and I was thinking about my parents. Great.

I turned my head as Nax walked back out the bathroom. He chucked the scanner at me and smirked. I eyed him warily. He hadn't been this confident the last three times I had checked to see If I was pregnant, it came out negative.

'I can smell it." He declared. "This time, its going to be positive."

As a response, I sat up quickly to give his lusty gaze a tease as they were entranced by my bouncing breasts. He shook his head and met my eyes. "Get up." I rolled my eyes at the command, scooted to the end of the bed and stared at the wall, while Nax got dressed. Despite the sex, it hadn't felt like Nax had actually warmed up to me. To be honest though, I hadn't either. Our partnership was one of reluctant acceptance. The sex was good and I didn't want to go back to my parents. Even if I left, my parents would find me and force me to marry that Rana. There was no choice in it for me. Business was their life, as it is for most people in power. However, it was easy to forget the reason I was here. Sooner or later, I would be knocked up. I would have a baby. Did I even want a baby? Such a basic question. It was also easy to forget how pointless my life was. It made me wonder why on earth there was even a possibility of going to war on my behalf. Why didn't he give me up?

His stiffening back caught the corner my eye. After 3 months, it was also easy to forget he could read my mind. After a while, he had began to give me the curtesy of pretending not to know what I'm thinking. But now and again, his reactions gave himself away.

He walked into my eye-line. "Get dressed." His eyes were angry.

But one thing was clear. The reason I hadn't asked those questions out loud. Despite being worried for the answer, I knew he wouldn't answer anyway.

I grabbed my pants and shirt and slid them on, forgoing underwear. There wasn't any point. We had sex several times a day and they always seemed to become shredded in the process. Thaxmar weren't the gentlest of races.

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