Chapter 6

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Hello my readers! I am back, and ready to write! Thank you to everyone who has supported my works and wants more!


We were in the front deck again. But this time instead of retaliating an attack in defence, we were planning one due to the warning.

I warily scanned the board of commanders. It was exclusively purple Thaxmar, although they were all different shades, the lightest nearer Nax and me. They were all arguing about the Rana, their voices raising by the minute.  I could tell from their looks towards me that they understood I was here because of what I meant to Nax, whatever that was, but they didn't like it. They didn't like me listening in nor did they think I deserved to sit at the head of the table, next to Nax. Thaxmar were very into hierarchy.

They were so obvious about their grudges, that I could gather this from their body language.

But Nax didn't care. I presumed from the purple Thaxmar past grievances, the purples were only here because they were necessary to rule their people. Thaxmar nature was way too violent to simply obey. This meant Nax couldn't monitor the ship or his planet by himself. Nax could monitor the purples, but there was too many blues for one person to monitor, let alone green and so on. I suppose it's slightly like a business in how each worker has a superior who looks after them, and that superior has a superior who looks after them. 

A voice at the other end of the table announced above the noise, "The Rana may be smart, but they're prideful-"

"Don't be an idiot Lieutenant Darley. If we judge all attacks on their intelligence, we'll never do anything. The only reason they have this attack is because taking the girl hurt their pride-" Another interjected.

"Yes, commander. Harvest the child and give her up. This war is unnecessary -"

"ENOUGH!" Nax boomed. He stood towering the lieutenants, levelling them with his icy stare. "Are you cowards? You are the head of a species who specialises in war! And NO ONE will touch Gwendolyn, OR my offspring."

Silence echoed after his beckoning announcement. He sat.

Lieutenant Shaulle coughed hesitantly and murmured "Its not that we don't want war sir. As you know, we love fighting. We just..." he took a deep breath, and under his breath he said "we are doubting our chances against such an technologically advanced race."  His word quietened as he finished his sentences as he looked upon Nax's furious face.

"Are you calling yourselves cowards?"
Nax's silently furious voice.

The silence was filled with the gulps of the nervous leaders.

"Are you calling me a coward? Our race?" His tone quietened to the point of a whisper, but a he didn't need anything more. The threat spoke for itself.

I observed him. He hated these people. This was clear. It was also clear that Nax wasn't one to forgive.

"There is no question. We're attacking. My lineage will not be questioned." I looked down. Another reminder that this was because of me. People would die because of me. Not even for me. They were doing this for Nax. And their reputation.

"No one attacks me and gets away with it. I'm no Krisk." Darkness seemed to enter his eyes with every passing word. I felt as if i was frozen to my seat. The rest of the table seemed to feel the same, and all who were standing, sat and stilled. The power dynamic was clear.

One Thaxmar spoke up. "Commander, war is not about pride, but possession. To have a war, you have to fight for something, or it's a pointless war. Even if we ignore the fact you want us to go to war over a human, the Rana have a monopoly over this galaxy. If we go to war with them, we're going to war with half the galaxy. Can you say with complete certainty, that this is worth it? That she is worth it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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