Alma Destrozada~ Spanish for Soul Shattered

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Sorry for repeating the picture from the cover, and for the song repeat. I love this song. And I still think you should all listen to it, and I feel that it still applies to the story greatly.

Special thanks to @Firen-Dusk

Here is a response to your questions.

This story is based in the past. Stiles' mum did live longer and did die differently. Derek is a teenager, and Paige's death occurred 4 months in the story. I was supposed to put it in the story. Sorry for forgetting to add this detail. Stiles is in 11th grade and Derek is in 12th grade. Please share the story. And suggest what you want me to do with the story. I will be leaving Monday the 12th and will be back on Friday the 16th. I will be going to a military camp. Sorry that I will not be able to update during that time. They take our phones, shut then off, and lock then in a car. I will have absolutely no access to my phone, or computer. I will update a little today though.

!!!References to cutting, do not read the end few paragraphs if you get triggered easily.!!!

As Stiles woke up in the middle of the night, about the time that his mom would usually be home. Stiles decided to go downstairs for a glass of water so he can calm down a little. His mom has never been late to getting home...

As he started walking up the steps he hears a pummel on the front door.

!!Stiles mind/What he is thinking!!

This kind of reminds me of when Melissa McCall came and told him that his father had died.

Exiting Stiles' mind

3rd person POV

His father died when he was called to the hospital to take down an active shooter. He father had died in his mother's arms, slowly dripping with his blood. Which had been shed saving his mother and Talia Hale.

As he opened the door Stiles saw Melissa again. And he felt something, deeper this time than before. It had re-shattered his soul. Melissa started talking, and the only thing that he heard was

"Stiles your mother has"

He stopped, he felt like he was dying, just like when his father had died. He started breathing faster, but he felt as if he was getting no air into his lungs. He fell to the ground, and curled up into a ball. He felt petite hand wrap around his shoulders. Pulling him toward a steady heart beat. He knew It was Melissa but at this point he did not care. He just lost his last parent. The same place where he had lost his father.

He then saw Scott come and pick him up along with Melissa up to his room. There in Stiles' room Scott and Melissa tucked him in to bed and told him that they will come by tomorrow and help him plan his mother's funeral.

Derek's POV

As I finally finished answering Sheriff Parish's questions my mom came up to me and said that we will be visiting Stiles tomorrow, and that we will be helping him, Melissa, and Scott plan Claudia's funeral.

Time skip to when they are planning Claudia's Funeral

3rd person POV

As Talia and Melissa were going through the funeral books Derek, Scott, and Stiles were in Stiles' room. Stiles was curled into a small ball under his blankets. Scott has holding Stiles . Every once and a while there was a soul crushing heart wrenching sob coming from stiles. After 10 minutes Derek started to cry. Derek was sitting in Stiles' swivel chair at Stiles' desk. After 10 minutes of Stiles letting out the sobs Derek went over and grabbed Stiles and held him and started crying saying sorry over and over and over again. Stiles stopped and removed Derek's arms and Scott's arms. Stiles then grabbed Derek's arms. What Stiles noticed on Derek's arms when he grabbed Derek's arms were the little smears of blood on his arms. Almost razor like little cuts. He also noticed that Derek's face looked gaunt. But also that when Derek got pulled toward him

Author's Note

I will try and update every 2-3 days, except for the next week. Derek's family is all dead, except for his mom. I will aim for 600-700 word per every update.

Send me pictures of what kind of coffin you would like for Claudia, and what type of flowers you would like at Claudia's funeral.

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