Chapter 1

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Hello everyone! Thank you for choosing my story! I hope you enjoy.

DISCLAIMER: I sadly don't any of the Percy Jackson characters. They belong to Rick Riordan.

TW: abuse and mentions of rape!

My name is Annabeth Chase and I'm 17 years old. Just a few months before I was born my mom and dad got a divorce. My dad had decided that he wanted to be a deadbeat and didn't want me, so my mother was left with full custody of me. I spent years living my best life with my mother. She was my best friend. But sadly she died in a car crash 2 months ago with my two younger stepbrothers, and now I live with my dad in New York.

From the start he wasn't very nice. I knew that he wanted nothing to do with me. He would ignore me, and yell at me all the time for the stupidest things. I hated being there with him just as much as he hated being with me. But things started to get out of control. His temper started to become worse and worse with me, and it got to the point where he was hitting me. This has been going on for about a month maybe. Now I'm starting school in a week and this is where the story takes place.
"Annabeth, get your sorry ass down here!" I winced as my dad yelled at me from down stairs. Why did he always have to yell?
"Coming." I called back weakly. I hated being weak, but I couldn't help feeling weak around him. I quietly ran down the stairs and stepped into the living room.
"You needed me?" I asked.
"Yeah, go get me some beer from the store." He said. Did he really just say that?
"They won't let me buy it." I said and immediately new that it was a mistake. He stood up and glared at me. I shrunk as he stepped closer to me.
"What did you say?" He said dead quiet to me.
"They won't let me buy it. I'm not twenty-one." I said quietly. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Don't all of you kids now days have fake ID's. What kind of bullshit excuse is that?"
"Sorry for being a good child who follows the law." I saw as the anger bubbled up inside him, and I realized that what I said was not the right thing to say. His face got red and his muscles began to twitch. Annabeth, why can't you just keep your mouth shut?
I didn't even see the fist come at me.
"GET UP!" He I heard him scream. The ringing in my ears was loud, but my father was louder. I tried to shake off the immense pain that shot through my skull and slowly began to move. I began to push myself up, but he just kicked me down again. I groaned as the air left my lungs, leaving me breathless and in pain on the floor. Dear old dad must've not liked my reaction to being kicked in the ribs, because another fist was thrown at my face, and then everything went black.

Next thing I know, I'm up in my bedroom in the comfort of my bed. I tensed as I remembered what had happened. Usually when I'm beat into unconsciousness, I'm left on the floor to pick myself up while dad goes to bar to get himself even more wasted. I tried to sit up, but was pulled back down by ropes that tied wrists and ankles to my bed frame.
"What?" I tried to shake my wrists and ankles free, but it was no use.
I felt the breeze against my body from my open window and I realized I was naked. Scanning my room, my eyes landed on my dad, who was staring at me from across my bed. He took slow steps towards me until he was to the side of my bed.
"Time to teach you a lesson for talking back." He said. He unbuckled his jeans and I think you can figure out the rest. 

It's been a week. I haven't been able to sleep. Im too afraid that if I go to sleep, I'll find my dad staring down at me. But today school starts and I'll finally be able to get away from him for a little while.
The school was big. Finding a parking spot was almost impossible, but I managed to find one that wasn't too far from the doors. As I stepped into the school, I couldn't help but feel anxious and nervous for what the year would bring me.
The hallways were loud. The students and teachers were bustling about, getting ready for the first bell of the school year to ring. I was just trying to find the office, but I was too anxious to ask anyone for help. As I turned a corner trying to find a sign that would lead me to the office, and shoulder bumped into mine, causing me to drop my books. Gods damnit Annabeth, watch where you're going.
"Sorry," I said as I bent down to pick up my books.
"No worries," He stooped down to help me. "Are you new here?" He asked. I looked up at the boy. He had black hair and sea green eyes. He handed me my notebook and we stood back up.
"Yea," I nodded my head, "do you know where I can find the office?" I asked.
"Uh yea, just go down this hall take a left and should be on your right."
"Thank you." I said I started walking down the hall.
"Have a nice day! Welcome to Goode!" He called after me.
"Thanks." I said after him. I finally got to the office where I picked up my schedule and map. I had a little bit of a hard time reading the schedule because of my dyslexia, but I managed. I found my locker and put my combination in it. Just as I was putting my extra supplied into my locker, the first bell rang. I quickly shoved the rest of my stuff into my locker and slammed it shut before rushing to my first class.
I walked into the English classroom and looked around the room for a seat. I found one beside a girl with kaidleoscope eyes and a feather in her hair. I sat down beside her and pulled out my architecture notebook to sketch in while we waited for class to start.
"Those are really cool designs." The girl said. I turned my head slightly and noticed how she was peering at my notebook.
"Thank you." I told her.
"I'm Piper by the way."
"Cool, I like that name." I was going to tell her thank you but the bell rang and the teacher walked in. A boy walked in with him. It was the boy that I had talked to earlier.
"Percy please sit down, we can discuss this later." The boy named Percy came and sat down beside me.
He looked at me and smiled a lopsided smile. I looked down and blushed. Why are you so awkward Annabeth?
"Ok class, I would like you all to come up and grab a textbook from the pile."


The first half of the day went by pretty fast, and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. Great, the best part of the day where I sit alone and wait for the next bell to ring. I scanned the cafeteria, looking for a place to sit. I noticed an empty table near the end and began walking in the direction, but a voice calling my name stopped me.
"Hey Annabeth, do you wanna sit with us?" I turned to see who had called out the question. It was the girl from English, Piper.
"Uh, I don't want to intrude on your lunch with your friends." I replied. Piper shook her head and waved me over.
"Don't be silly. Come sit down." She patted the empty seat beside her. I reluctantly shuffled over and took the seat beside her. There was a girl with curly red hair sitting on the other side of me and she flashed me a bright smile.
"I'm Rachel." She greeted.
"Annabeth." I replied.
"Guys, introduce yourselves," Pipers told the other people at the table. I glanced around as each person gave their name, and did my best to come off friendly and nice. They all seemed like great people, and I didn't want to give a bad impression.
"Nice to meet you all." I gave a forced smile as they all got done introducing themselves.
"So Annabeth," The girl name Thalia started. "Where are you from?"
"Virginia." I told them.
"Wow, that's a long way to move." Said Leo, the scrawny Latino.
"Yeah, it is." Agreed Percy. "So why the move?" Asked Percy
"Um, my mom passed away. I came here to live with my dad." I said quietly.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I-"
"No no, don't apologize your just curious that's all." I told them. They all shifted uncomfortably.
"Well, this just got really sad." Nico, the pale dark haired boy said breaking the tension. We all gave awkward forced laughs.
"So, what's the plan for after school today?" Connor spoke up, changing the subject. Thank the gods.
"I thought we were all going to Percy's." Piper replied.
"Since when were we going to my house?" Percy looked around confused.
"When we unanimously decided in the group chat while you were asleep." Travis said.
"That's not fair! You guys know I don't read the texts when you blow up my phone!"
"Well mayyybe you should start checking your phone. Sally knows we're coming." Thalia commented.
"My own mother knows!"
"Of course." Rachel said. "I honestly think that I talk to your mother more than I talk to you Perce." Percy scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Alright, guess I'm hosting tonight." Percy said in exasperation. Piper turned to me expectantly.
"You should come Annabeth!" I felt my eyes go wide.
"Oh I don't know. I don't want to be a burden."
"Seriously girl! you aren't a burden. Here, I'll take you after school, that way you don't have to worry about trying to get there in the New York traffic."
"So what's on the menu for dinner tonight?" Leo spoke up.
I spaced out as the rest of the conversation went on. It was nice to be included, but I didn't want to trouble anyone. Plus, I don't know how dad would react when I tell him that I won't be coming home straight after school. Probably not good.
I cringed internally at the thought of my father being angry when I would get home later tonight. I really didn't want to have to put up with it. Why can't you just say no Annabeth?

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