Chapter 6

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own any Percy Jackson characters!!

TW:  mild drug use!

Annabeth's P.O.V.

"Hey." I mumbled as a looked out the window of pipers car. "I've ran past this place before."
"Yeah, rich people neighborhoods are my favorite."
"Have you ever been inside one of those rich people houses?"
I snorted. "In my dreams."
Piper kept driving through the neighborhood. The further we went, the bigger the houses got. I knew Piper was rich, but not this rich. I stared in awe as we pulled up into a driveway.
"No way that this is your house." I said to her. She just smiled and shook her head.
"Come on." She said opening up her door. "I'll give you a tour."

Her house had a grand staircase. I feel like that's all I need to say about it honestly. Her living room was filled with expensive furniture and a huge flat screen TV that was probably the size of my living room. There wasn't much for decoration if I'm going to be honest though. However, there was one large painting of what had to be the most beautiful woman that I'd ever seen.
"Who is that?" I asked, breathless from the woman's beauty. Piper was silent for a moment as she studied the picture. I watched as something flickered in her eyes. It was the same kind of look that I saw in myself every time I looked in the mirror.
"That was mom."
I didn't know what to say. So instead I just held her hand. She gave me a smile and squeezed my hand tightly before pulling me away from the painting. The rest of her house was just as expensive looking and as big as the living room. The kitchen looked like it could've been the kitchen of a massive restaurant. There was another living room on the second floor. There was a bar, a theater room, an indoor swimming pool, a weight room. It had just about everything. My favorite part hands down was easily Piper's bedroom.
It was big and brightly lit up, but Piper had added her own touches, making it very her. She had painted the room a dark blue, but there were so many windows that it didn't even seem dark. She had plants sitting by her windows and a record player in the corner of the room. She had records and posters and pictures hung up all over her walls. I scanned all the posters that she had hung and laughed when I saw the one direction poster hanging up beside the AC/DC poster. Her bed was huge and looked amazingly comfortable. And of course there was another huge TV hanging up across from it. The best thing about the whole room though was the closet.
As a person who loved clothes but didn't have the money for them, I was giddy walking in to her huge closet. Sure, dad was rich, but he blew all of his money on rounds of golf and alcohol. There were so many things. Purses, shoes, dresses, skirts, jeans, blouses. She had it all. There was also a huge jewelry box in the corner of the walk in closet that I knew had be filled with rubies and diamonds and every gem stone you could imagine.
"What do your parents do Piper?" I asked as I scanned the closet in awe.
"Mom was a fashion designer and model. Dad's an actor."
"Your dad's an actor?"
"Tristan McLean."
Everything seemed to click into place at that moment.
"Holy shit."
"You didn't know that?" Piper asked with a laugh.
"How was I supposed to know that?"
"I don't know, people just normally do." She gave me a smile. "It's nice to know though that you wanted to be friends with me for me, and not because my dad is shirtless in movies all the time."
I smiled at her brightly. She scratched the back of her head and glanced around.
"Wanna get high and watch a movie?" She asked suddenly. I raised my eyebrows in surprise, not expecting her to say that.
"Uh, sure." I replied. I followed her out of the closet and sat on her bed as she rustled through her night drawer. Eventually she found what she was looking for and stood up grinning, holding a bag full of green pieces. She crawled onto the bed beside me and picked out the little pieces and put them in the paper. She rolled the joint effortlessly which made me assume that she did this a lot.
"Ok." She said once she was finished. "I always get first hit. Just my rule if I roll the joint." She shot a smile at me before placing the joint between her lips and lighting it. She took a long drag before sighing out the smoke. She held the joint out to me.
"Uh..." I hesitated. "I've never done this before."
"Oh." Piper replied. "Well that's ok. Do you wanna smoke?"
"I..." I thought for a moment. I mean I wasn't opposed to the idea, but the thought of it did make me nervous. "Yes, I'm just nervous." I replied truthfully.
"Ok. Here, let's take it slow. I'll start off my shotgunning it for you. That means I'll take a drag and blow it into your mouth. How does that sound?"
"Fine." She nodded and she took a hit of the joint. She got very close to my face and I opened my mouth so that she could blow the smoke into it. I inhaled the smoke deeply as she did, and as I exhaled I let out a couple of coughs. Piper giggled.
"That's ok. I still cough a lot too." I just nodded and rubbed the water out of my eyes.
"Do you wanna do that again?" She asked me.
"Yeah." I replied, and we repeated the process. Only a minute later I was feeling the effects of the drug. I giggled slightly at the feeling and Piper giggled as well.
"Fun right?" She asked me. I just nodded my head and giggled again. Piper finished her joint began to put all of her stuff away. I watched as she did so, just enjoying the feeling of bliss coursing through my body.
This was fun.
"Are you hungry?"

After we found some food in her insanely large kitchen, we made our way back upstairs. I collapsed in her bed and Piper turned on a movie. We both just stared at the screen in our inebriated states and munched on our snacks.
"Hey." Piper spoke up.
"What?" I turned to her.
"We should talk about your crush on Percy."
"Nooo." I shook my head and giggled. "We don't need to talk about that."
"Hmm I think we do."
"It's just a crush."
"Yeah, but you don't hide it very well."
"Really?" I sat up. Piper just nodded her head in confirmation. I let out a little giggle. Most of the time that would make me severely insecure.
Being high is fun.
"That's embarrassing." I giggled out.
"Hey!" Piper started suddenly. "There's that end of the semester dance coming up! You should take Percy!"
"Oh no no no."
"Why notttt?" She whined and laid her head in my lap. "You should. I ship you guys so hard."
"Percy doesn't like me back." I retorted.
"Are you insane?" She sat up again. "Percy is like in love with you."
"Ok, that's over exaggerating. But he definitely likes you." Piper picked at her cuticles as she displayed the information.
"Well, even if he did like me, and he were to ask me. I wouldn't be able to go. No way my dad would let me." I explained.
"Oh yeah. Speaking of him, what's his deal anyway. Why's he so strict?"
Maybe it was the fact that I was high that caused me to open up more. Maybe I was tired of hiding. Maybe I just wanted to get shit off my chest. Either way, I spilled more than I should've probably.
"It's not that he's strict." I started. "He's just an abusive asshole. He never lets me do shit and he's terrible."
"Wait. Back up. Abusive?"
"He hits me sometimes." I admitted.
"Annabeth." Piper stood up from her bed. "That's like, really bad. You need to go to the police."
"No use." I replied.
"What do you mean?"
"Pipes, my dad knows too many people. They'd all just brush it off. They probably know my father more than I do. Besides. It's not terrible. It's just a few slaps here and there." I lied. No way I was spilling everything.
"That's still not good."
"I don't have to be with him that much longer. I'll survive."
"What if it gets worse?"
"I'll figure things out if it gets to that point." I confirmed. Piper just pursed her lips and face a slow nod. She sat back down on her bed and rested her head on my shoulder.
"Just promise me that if he keeps doing that, you tell me. You can stay with me anytime. My dad won't care and he's hardly here half the time."
"I promise." I replied with full intentions of not living up to it. No way I could burden Piper with myself. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I did. Even if my dad continued to do the shit that he did.
"Can we not talk about my shitty dad anymore?" I asked.
"Sure. We could go back to talking about the dance." Piper grinned up at me.
"Please Annabeth. I will drag you out of your house by your hair if that's what it takes. Screw your dad. You're going to that dance."
I huffed at her and rolled my eyes.
"I don't have a dress."
"I'll take you shopping."
"Pipes. I don't have money."
"I'll pay."
"No you won't."
"You shut your whore mouth Annabeth Chase. I'm drowning in money. I can afford a dress for you and the rest of the girls in the school. But I'll settle for buying you a really really expensive one."
"I don't want you to do that."
"Fine. It doesn't have to be really really expensive. It can be somewhat expensive."
"I hate you."
"Love you more." She leaned up and kissed my cheek.
"I'll let you know when we're going. Could be tomorrow. Might be two days before the dance. I don't know. But I'll figure it out."
I sighed and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "You are way too nice to me."
"I like being nice to you. You're nice back."
We both let out loud laughs.
I'm glad I had found Piper. Or rather, I'm glad she found me. Without her, I don't think I'd survive this situation I was going through.
I looked down at the other girl and noticed how she was beginning to dose off as she watched the movie. I just smiled and rest my cheek on the top of her head. This was nice.

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