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Title: I like it pt.2
i layed my head down on an empty spot next to her and fell asleep.

(1:00 am)


i slowly open my eyes and the person that was yelling at me was my mom.

Jungkook: what do you want mother

Mom: what happen to jumee

she said while tears were in her eyes.i told her the whole story and the situation about me and jumee.

mom: wow jungkook she has been your friend ever since kindergarten and you just played with her heart and fallen in love with someone else you thought you love but deep down in your heart you never loved her. the person you loved was jumee. she loved you and she told you but you had to play with her. on top of all of that she jumped of the schools roof but you are so lucky shes not dead. you should think about the stuff you do to other people and no just do it for fun you should think about there feelings first. i am disappointed at myself and you. i am disappointed at myself because i feel like a bad mother, like did I not raise my child right?

jungkook: mom dont say that you raised me perfectly and i feel so bad about this situation. i am sorry for all my sins.

mom: will you should be because when she wakes up your going to live with her and take care of her. Also you have to vist her everyday and sleep here every single night until she wake up. ok?

Jungkook: But m-

Mom: no buts i think you should do this because her father would be at the states for like 5 years because hes starting a new company or whatever.

Jungkook: ok

mom: you are not going to school until she wakes up. im telling your school tomorrow if they say no i will punch the principal and sue the school.

Jungkook: wow mom i didnt know you were a savage

Mom: ok i might not punch them but whatever im just tired. im going home ok. also tomorrow ill bring alot of clothes for you. so i guess this room will be your new home. also break up with IU. wait ill do it for you. also ill bring you food.

Jungkook: ok ok ok mom byeeee i love youuu

Mom: sure you do


Mom: ok bai i love you to hunny.

after she left i turned on the lamp and stared at Jumee.

Jungkook: Are you hungry? i bet you are. When you wake up i will feed you until your cheeks are like jimins. i will take care of you forever even though you will hate me i will take care of you secretly. omg jungkook you sound like a stalker. ah its so boring with out you. please wake up ok. for me and for everybody else. i want you too wake up asap not because i dont want to live in this room and that i dont want to take care of you. I just want to see your beautiful eyes again.

after i got done talking to myself like a weirdo. i had a hard desicon to choose rather to sleep on the couch or on the bed with her.

( 5 minutes later)

i will just sleep on the-

Authors note: im sorry that this chapter isnt that good but were do you think jungkook slept. read the next chapter to find out. have a good day/night. sincerely, K

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