New Job

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College is over FINALLY...
It took like forever..

"Sofiaa" my mom called from downstairs "dinner is ready"
By no time i was in the kitchen pouring myself soup
"Let me do it. You go sit down." Mom said
"I got this mom you know that I'll be gone in about a week and i should start depending on myself"

Yeah it's depressing to realize that you'll leave the life you've lived for 20 years having no worries or responsibility except studying to a life where you are by yourself..

Oh wait...
Before i continue dramatizing i need to be accepted to a job first..
The response should be here by now but there was a delay which worried me
After realizing that i was sad about this delay mom said "i wanted to keep this until you're father came back from work but i can't stand seeing you like this, so this came today"

Handing me a black envelope with silver writings on...
Mrs. Sofia Greg
Lookwood company
I opened the envelope nervously and read "we are happy to inform you that you've been accepted in our company."
At the bottom of the paper there was a phone number
"for more information"

I was about to faint from excitement so i went screaming and cheering all around the house neglecting mom's look that said i gave birth to a mentally retarded person.
After finishing my celebrations i dialed the number

"Hey i am Sofia Greg. I received your letter. Thank you for giving me an opportunity.."
"Hello Sofia i am Kate, Mr. Wood's assistant. We would like you to start work next week. We will give you an apartment to settle in.
I'll email you the address of the apartment and the company.
When you're here come to my office and we'll discuss further details."
"But i have already chosen the apartment"
"Mr. Wood prefers that his employees have an apartment of his choice and we'll pay your rent don't worry. I'll see you next week."

Annnd she hung up not giving me a chance to accept or refuse
What a first impression..
I hope this "Mr. Wood" isn't as arogant as he seems to be..

After 1 week

"Mom I'm moving couple of hours away.. I'm not migrating calm down" i told mom who was about to cry.
"I can't believe my sweet little baby is a grown up now!!"

I've been a "grown up" for 2 years now but she still insists that unless i live by myself i won't be an adult..

"Take care princess" Dad said..
"if anyone hurts you or broke your heart just call me I'll break his skull"

"Dad you know me.. I'm not into the romance or love thing.. at least not for now" i protested
"You're mom used to say that too and now look at her" dad said looking at mom.. i can't believe that after all this time they still have this sparkle in there eyes when they looked at each other..
"Finalllyyyy we have an extra empty room"
Oh boy here comes trouble
My two brothers 22 and 24 years old came to tell me goodbye.. there own way..

Since they work with dad in the supermarket they still live with my parents.
Dating some girls but nothing serious
So i was forced to handle their attitudes all these years, but i will miss them...
I can't believe I'm saying this...

My thoughts were interupted by the driver's car.. i said my goodbyes and went on this new adventure...
Hello everyone chapter 1 is done i hope you like it
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And lets have hope for what the future will hold

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